Well, this May has been full of fun stuff and it has flown by! The first weekend of the month my mom, sis and Gma Janet and I went together to our annual church women's retreat north of Spokane. It was a wonderful gals weekend to be refreshed and renewed in Jesus, and reminded me what wonderful blessings I have in my life.
We also celebrated mother's day a couple of times with the different sides of the family, which was so much fun. We have also spent the last couple of weekends working in the yard and getting the nursery ready (pics to come).
Caleb is more excited than ever for the arrival of "new baby"! (See pic below of "his tummy").And I just went to the doctor for my 36 week exam yesterday, where he shocked me and told me that I am already 2cm dialated, 80% effaced and the head is LOW! Could we be having a May baby? He said that I could basically go tomorrow or it could be 2 weeks....thanks, doc!! haha. But it definitely sounds like it will be sooner than later. Chip is scrambling to get sub plans made and his classroom in order for the end of the year. I am making some emergency last minute trips to Target for all the little things that I didn't think of until yesterday. So it looks like we will be welcoming Baby Elfering anytime now....so awesome!
I will try to get an email sent out at least after baby arrives, and then hopefully get some pics posted to the blog asap.
Please keep us in your prayers the next week or so. Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

My mom, me, sis Jamie & Gma Janet at our church women's retreat

Caleb & Mommy showing of their "tummies"

our yard in bloom

The fam after a mother's day dinner

Caleb & Papa Kev-o in the excavator