Did you think maybe we took off for a 4 week cruise or European adventure?
Not so much.
But we have been taking plenty of time to enjoy this summer together. Whether it has been lazy days packed full of World Cup soccer action or jumping on a warm day to run around at the sprinkler park.

We are just smitten with Princess Kearyn.
9 weeks old and growing. She is 11 lbs and 23 inches. She has been sleeping through the night for about 2 weeks now and we are loving it! She has started smiling and cooing and there might not be anything cuter in the entire world!

Drays had his 2 year check up. He is only a stingy 26 lbs & 33 in tall (25% for both). What he is apparently lacking in pounds he makes up for with charm. And don't let his size fool you--he is one tough cookie. Taking a daily beating from his brother is obviously paying off. When the nurse gave him his shots he just gave her his famous "stank-eye" and simply said OUCH. Not even a wimper.

Caleb could possibly be suffering from multiple personality disorder (I jest...kind of).
He is so helpful with Kearyn and can be such a polite and loving boy. And on the flip side he loves to torture his brother and test us at every turn. He is more than ready for Kindergarten and hockey to start up (and so am I). He seems to do best when he has a full schedule to occupy his days.

Chip has been home and it has been wonderful to have an extra set of hands to help with the kiddos. But I have to admit that it is hard to motivate to get all my daily chores done when everyone else in the house just wants to laze about and play. The other day I had a list with chores on it and underneath was written HAVE FUN (as in after the chores were done). When I saw it later on, Chip had circled those words and written next to it "Chip's job!" Though he really does deserve some downtime after his hectic spring schedule and all the Master's course work he is still doing. He is leaving this Friday for 8 days to go on a church mission trip to Mexico. This is something that he has been wanting to do for sometime now and he is very excited.
I have to admit I am a little nervous to do the single mom thing for 8 straight days and nights. I may need a vacation when Chip gets back!
But on the flip side I know that this is such a small sacrifice in the scheme of things. Chip will be running a soccer day camp with the local children while the team will also help construct a parsonage. He was thinking it would just be 30 kids max, but the long term missionaries in charge just contacted him to say that the word has spread about a soccer camp and they have had nearly 200+ kids come by the mission in the past week! I pray that these children and their families will be touched by God's love through Chip and the other missionaries. And that they will have safe travel. I am so proud of Chip and his always gracious and selfless heart.