So it looks like Toys R us had a little too much Egg Nog at Target's Christmas party and threw up on our house.
Good thing this little lady started crawling this week. At least she'll be able to get out from under it all.

Love this one of all my most special people. I always knew he'd be a great daddy, but he just keeps proving it over and over again.
Speaking of good dads...I think we've got one in the making. At least he is feeding Dolly the bottle in this pic--there was a little confusion (and a lot of hilarity) when he pulled up his shirt to nurse her...
I crafted my butt off this year. And these couldn't have been a bigger hit with the grandparents. And it's a good thing because do you have any idea how long it takes to cut out one of those heads (x3 kids, x5 sets of grand/great-grands).

And my oldest baby--who is far from it and more of a little man.
Hard to beleive last year she was kicking me in the ribs. Can't imagine our family without this sweet gal. She is starting to develop her own personality. Loves to laugh, smile, wave, clap and eat!

And after all was said and done. A good family photo--and everyone is smiling.
It really is a Christmas Miracle!

And now I'm going to go wade through the mess to find myself a sugar cookie.