Today is Miss Kearyn's 1st Birthday. I can hardly believe it has been a year since I packed my bag and left for the hospital to bring this tiny girl into our family. So much has happened since that day. For both our family and for Kearyn. It's hard for me to believe that she won't have memories of our old house, all her memories will start right here in this house. It is so fun to watch her learn something new everyday. Of course I think she is brilliant and beautiful, but help us, does she have an attitude on her. Some of her many talents include:
walking for the past month
waves hi and bye
blows kisses
climbs everything
says "hi-eee", dog, mama, dad, brother, love you, nigh-nigh
loves to wrestle with brothers and daddy
has four teeth and breaking four more-ugh!
is an uh-mazing sleeper
eats everything in sight
One of my most favorite times of the day is first thing in the morning. She wakes up so happy. I can hear her in her crib babbling to herself and playing with her lovies and dollies. I love the way her room smells like her, I wish I could just bottle it up. And its all warm from the heater and the sun pushes through her curtains. She gives me her best smile and "hi-eee." I lean over the side of her crib and she hands me all her best toys one at a time. Then she reaches up her arms and I pull her out and we snuggle. Just me and her. And I just breathe her in. And she is so stinking happy. And it is just what we both need before brothers rush in and hungry tummies need fed and the day swallows us up. Man, I love her.
So adorable! I love that picture of you together and I too love the smell of my kids room! (except the diaper pail part) I too want to bottle it up forever.
Happy Birthday Kearyn!! She is sooo beautiful, makes me want another girl!!
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