Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009 Cont.

We started off the night at Gma Jane & Papa Larry's. Pizza and candy. Kassie took Caleb around the block trick or treating. Then off to Nonni Donna & Papa KevO's. The boys had about had it by that time. Chip and I ditched the kids with my gracious parents and went off to a Halloween party where we were able to see a bunch of good friends.

Bones & Handy Manny

Yes, that's right, your eyes are not deceiving you:
that is Chip wearing man tights. He is obviously the "tooth fairy"
He tried to make me go into Albertson's without him (a no go). When we were inside he was like a freakin celebrity or something.
One lady said: "look girls, it's the real live tooth fairy right here in Albertson's"
Another guy came up and shook Chip's hand and told him he was a "brave man"
Chip complained all night that the tights "didn't breathe"
Don't you think Drays would be a pretty girl? (trying on Chip's fairy headband)


Gosfam said...

Love the costumes!! I wish Matt and I would dress-up one of these times. I always run out of time thinking of something and Matt is normally a party ppooper :)

Sarah said...

That is awesome, Chip is one brave guy. You two look great! I think Halloween is so fun, for the kids and us bigger kids. Ha.

Mary said...

You are such a cute "fairy" couple!!! Kuddos to Chip for being such a great sport!!! :)