Yesterday Drayson turned 2.
Where did the time go?
We love him so much. This little guy makes us laugh so hard. I say several times daily: "Drayson you're so funny" or "Drayson you're too cute."
He is so sweet and loves to hug everyone and "give loves"
And on the flip side, he can be so naughty. He doesn't even flinch when Chip gives him "the look"
He is super particular just like his old brother and has to have things his way. He gets so annoyed when we don't understand what he is trying to tell us.
He could live on PB & marshmallow sandwiches, tee-toes (cheetos), grapes, and pink milk.
He is so excited to finally be 2 because that is his favorite number. If there is more than one of anything and you ask him how many there are his answer is always 2.
He is starting to string some words together. But his favorite word at the moment (not shockingly) is "mine"
He recognizes certain colors, mostly blue & purple
And he is obsessed with buses. Whenever we drive anywhere, he makes sure to look for them and then shouts out "bus! bus!"
He also really loves planes. He listens for them all the time. Chip told him he is going to go on a plane to Hawaii. And now everytime he hears a plane he says "me plane" and then starts to list everyone else that is going on vacation with us (and its not a short list)
He loves to follow and torment his Bru-ber (brother) and kiss all over his baby sissy.

Ah, Drayser Bug, we're so glad God decided you should be ours!