Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Drayson Turns Two

Yesterday Drayson turned 2.
Where did the time go?
We love him so much. This little guy makes us laugh so hard. I say several times daily: "Drayson you're so funny" or "Drayson you're too cute."
He is so sweet and loves to hug everyone and "give loves"
And on the flip side, he can be so naughty. He doesn't even flinch when Chip gives him "the look"
He is super particular just like his old brother and has to have things his way. He gets so annoyed when we don't understand what he is trying to tell us.
He could live on PB & marshmallow sandwiches, tee-toes (cheetos), grapes, and pink milk.
He is so excited to finally be 2 because that is his favorite number. If there is more than one of anything and you ask him how many there are his answer is always 2.
He is starting to string some words together. But his favorite word at the moment (not shockingly) is "mine"
He recognizes certain colors, mostly blue & purple
And he is obsessed with buses. Whenever we drive anywhere, he makes sure to look for them and then shouts out "bus! bus!"
He also really loves planes. He listens for them all the time. Chip told him he is going to go on a plane to Hawaii. And now everytime he hears a plane he says "me plane" and then starts to list everyone else that is going on vacation with us (and its not a short list)
He loves to follow and torment his Bru-ber (brother) and kiss all over his baby sissy.

Ah, Drayser Bug, we're so glad God decided you should be ours!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


From this... this

in just 8 short years.

The other day in the wee hours of the morning I was sitting up in bed nursing Kearyn. I looked over at Chip and in a good (but slightly shocked way) thought to myself:

"how'd we end up here?
with 3 kids entrusted to our care, a house & car payment, jobs & responsibility
we're like real grown ups and stuff

Kinda overwhelming.
But I wouldn't want to enjoy the highs or muddle through the lows with anyone else.

Happy Anniversary, my love!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

That's more like it...

This past week I've really started to feel like myself again.
I still don't feel like I'm 100%, but definitely headed in the right direction.
I am not feeling as overwhelmed. Kearyn is sleeping pretty good at night. Chip is home right after school now. I have been planning and making dinners. The laundry is pretty much under control.
This past weekend Chip had a Master's class and I didn't even have an anxiety attack. I even got all 3 kiddos and myself ready and to church on Sunday by myself!!! Huge accomplishment (even though I was beat and slightly frazzled by the time we walked through the doors). But God is good, and the message was just what I needed to hear.
See the thing is this: I have been super impatient with the boys, especially Caleb. Now I'm not saying that they aren't doing things to warrant this response (oh believe me). But lately I've been feeling that I'm not acting like the mother I really want to be (and feel like I am in my heart). My prayer is that God will grant me tender mercies this week, that I will be able to look past the imperfections and annoyances and see the sweet hearts of my babes. That I would be able to show them the same grace that God shows me daily. That I will start getting back to enjoying motherhood and not just surviving it (which is what the past 6 weeks has felt like).
Chip is done with the school year next week and we are looking forward to the summer vacation. Of course Chip still has Master's classes and I have summer soccer, but with Chip off during the days, we have lots of time to do stuff like go to the park and the river, get donuts for breakfast, Slurpee runs, play in the yard, etc. We also wanted to get a fire pit for the backyard so we can roast marshmallows with the boys at night. We have only one big out of town trip planned this summer. But it's a doozy. We will be going to Maui for a whole week with my parents and family friends in August!! We can't wait. It will be so fun to watch the boys play at the beach and the resort we are going to has the coolest pool area for kids. It will be great timing to finish off the summer before life kicks into high gear again (Chip back to school, Caleb to Kindergarten, official fall league soccer will start, Caleb's hockey...) Eeekk, I don't want to think about that yet.
So here's to going forward. To hopefully becoming an even better mother than I was before all this, while allowing myself some room for the imperfections (so don't judge me too harshly if you see me grocery shopping with all three kiddos, I can tell you with certainty it will not be my best moment).

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5 Week Stats

9 lbs, 9 oz (50th%)
22 in (75th %)

2lbs in 3 weeks.
obviously a good eater.
still a good sleeper (most of the time).

getting prettier by the day.