Monday, January 10, 2011

What Say You, 2011...

...should we make it the best one yet?

Not saying I didn't have a good 2010. But let's just say I could do without quite as many challenges this year. Who am I kidding? We all know they will just be different challenges than the previous year. Instead of baking & birthing a babe, while rearing 2 others, I will be rearing 3 this year. (Now all of you other rockstar mamas with more than 3 babes are thinking "if only I just had 3, 3 would easy-peasy, she has no idea" just like I think of everyone with less than 3). But that's life for ya. Hindsight's 20/20 right.

At least there will be no 15 hour labor followed by a C-section, followed by anemia, followed by pure and utter exhaustion, followed by baby blues, followed by lack of sleep, followed by me questioning myself as a mother. Ok, maybe there will still be exhaustion & lack of sleep (but maybe not quite as much--insert crossed fingers). And I think I will always have times when I question myself as a mother.

But this past 2010 has taught me something.
That I can do more than I ever thought possible or gave myself credit for.

Even though I will always be hard on myself. Thinking I could have done better. When I look back on some of the things I have done, I'm pretty freaking proud of myself. I'm kinda awesome.

Maybe some people don't think it's a feat to get 3 kids to and from the grocery store without raising my voice, but I do. Preparing a nice meal and doing 5 loads of laundry?, check. Coaching 40+ high school girls while also mentally preparing the week's meal prep?, done and done. I'm going to celebrate the small battles. The everyday stuff. The stuff my kids take for granted, but hopefully one day appreciate.

I'm going to high-five people when my kid scores a goal. I'm going to post a ridiculous amount of pictures of my own kids to Facebook and shamelessly brag about how beautiful they are. I'm going to thank my Mom for going above and beyond and tell my Dad I love him. I'm going to teach my kids to be kind to others even when they might not be kind back. I'm not going to get caught up in bigger, better, best--I'm going to be happy right where God has put me. I'm going to go on more dates with my husband and smooch him in public. I'm going to pass around babies with my friends. I'm going to apologize quickly when I make a mistake. Swallow my pride and keep a handle on my mouth. I'm going to forgive myself and others and keep remembering tomorrow is a new day.

So if you see me in Winco patting myself on the back--well, you'll know.

Watch out 2011. I'm taking names and kicking ass.


Kyle said...

Kinda awesome?

You are totally awesome!! I admire you in so many ways - especially all those beautiful pictures you take.

I hope 2011 is everything you want it to be.

Gosfam said...

You are GREAT Sara--wish I could write out so beautifully all I want to say :) My word for this year is HOPE so I hope 2011 is wonderful for you.