Caleb went to his first dentist appointment! He was so awesome, he loved the little water and air squirter and even let the doctor "paint vitamins" on his teeth! We had been wanting him to go for sometime now, and have been taking him along on our dentist appointments so he can see what it is like. Guess what finally did it?....the little kids on Jon & Kate Plus 8 (reality show on TLC about life with a set of twins and a set of sextuplets that just happen to be Caleb's age...it's his favorite show right now and he loves to do the things the "kids" are doing). After being such a good boy he was treated to cotton candy...I know it's ironic after just coming from the dentist...bad mommy! haha.
Caleb has also been going to weight training every morning with Chip and is having a blast. He does all the same exercises as the big guys, but uses a small bar and weights....he loves doing his "cleans and jerks," lunges, high knees, butt kickers and jumping jacks.