Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Better Late than Never....Drayson has arrived!

Well, after weeks of being on pins and needles, Drayson John (Drace for short) has finally arrived! He was born Sunday, June 22nd, 2:11am. 6lbs 12 oz, 20in long. And the first thing Chip and I said after he was born was "oh my gosh, he looks exactly like Caleb did!"....which is also what we have heard many times over from so many people. He is doing wonderful and so is the rest of the fam! It is so wonderful to have Chip home with me everyday for the summer (I am so spoiled!) Caleb is being a fantastic big brother!!

My labor was actually not so bad (I had a wonderful epidural) and only had to push for 15 minutes. As soon as we saw that it was a boy, Chip says "well, next time..." and I'm like are you kidding me, you better be glad that my epidural was so strong (mind you this was less than 30 seconds after I pushed a baby out!).

I was even feeling well enough to walk down the aisle in Kynda and Dave's wedding on Saturday! I know--crazy. But we are taking it easy and just relaxing this week. Caleb will be taking a trip to the cabin with Nonni Donna and Papa Kevo over the 4th of July, since we are unable to all go this summer with new baby.

Hey, there's your eyes handsome guy!

Put a fork in them...they're done!

Kisses for Mommy

Daddy w/Drayson

The "boys" crashed out

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Drayson is a little cutie, I'm so excited to come meet him for the first time. I'm so glad everything went ok with the delivery, besides having to wait a month or so! Ha. Hopefully we can get over to see you guys soon, take care and hugs to the little guy.