This past weekend we headed up to Spokane. On Friday night and Saturday morning we celebrated Travis' (jamie's hubby) graduation from EWU. Then on Saturday afternoon we went to Chip's cousin Becca's wedding, where we were able to see tons of family that we haven't seen in years. There were a zillion little ones for Caleb to play with and he was loving it.
You know what was really refreshing to watch though? many good fathers in one room. I've been thinking about this alot lately--I always rave about what a good Dad Chip is, but truly we happen to be surrounded by a lot of pretty amazing Dads of young kids. Everyone watching out for each others kiddos, wiping up spills, rubbing owies, getting drinks. Real Men who know how important being there for their kids is!!! And I'm just lucky enough to know so many of them!
...ok I'll get off my soap box now and let you enjoy the pictures! :)
The fam at Trav's graduation

Drays Bug & Daddy at Trav's BBQ (umm, yeah...they don't look alike at all!! ;)

"my guys"
there must be something interesting outside the hotel
Drays & cousin Parker...could their coloring be any different?!
being so good (mostly) sitting through graduation
playing with cousins at the wedding
Drays & Gma Jane
Drays LOVES auntie Kass

Caleb & the cousins doing the money dance with the beautiful bride Becca
Drays was so tired and wasn't sure about being held by a lot of people, but he sat forever with Chip's cousin Mike...everyone always says that Chip & Mike resemble each other (though I think he has Chip beat in the hair department--sorry hon :)...maybe Drays thought so too.
Drays preparing for some serious swimming in the pool...he was trying to get these on all by himself...
Good thing Daddy got in the was cold...BRRR
Caleb doing a little picture taking. Mommy's happy cause the car is packed and we are finally on our way back to Home Sweet Home (where Drayson will go back to being the champion sleeper that he has been since 10 weeks (not kidding)...I think at one point while he was yelling at us in the middle of the night from the pack n play I may have muttered "I'm totally never going on vacation again"
SMILE, brother!