Friday, July 31, 2009

Most people take their 4 year olds to the kiddie pool...check out what we do!

Remember how I mentioned on the previous post that Caleb wakeboarded with Papa KevO last weekend. Well Papa thought it would be an awesome idea to buy a "caleb size" wakeboard, so that Caleb could attempt the sport by "his-self" (Caleb still throws in a little "calebese" every once in a while).
So bright and early Monday morning KevO was checking out the perfect child size wakeboard on the Internet. * sidenote: now you must understand that my dad is not the most technologically sound man you will he can check his email, but sometimes creating an email is a feat for him. Ironically he has no problem finding things that he wants to purchase on the net...though purchasing them over the net is something he has not yet accomplished, so he still calls the 800# to place his order with a "live" person. Ok, so the wakeboard in all it's glory arrives bright and early Tuesday morning....and I'm not sure who was more excited: KevO, Caleb or Chip.
So without wasting any time we took "her" (the board) out and attempted to drown our 4 year old son in the Columbia River. The technique of teaching and explaining (to a not quite kindergarten age child) how to pull off this maneuver is a little more than we all bargained for. I will say at one point it involved Caleb body surfing like a porpoise for a good 20 yards before Uncle Trav showed off his best David Hasselhoff and leaped from the boat to save the day. When he reached Caleb floating in the frigid water of the Columbia, Caleb nonchalantly said: "Hey" like he had just been strolling down the street. And when later asked what his favorite part of the day was he said: "being pulled behind the boat!" Ha! So with Caleb beggin' for more and a couple new tricks up our sleeve, we will be back at it again tonight. Wish us luck.

The main man
MY guys
The Guions being goofy
Maybe tonight I will get some pictures of the actual wakeboarding (and when I say pictures, I really mean evidence for CPS).

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our somewhat questionable parenting tactics

Here's the short of the long of it. We bribed Caleb with ice skating so that he would wakeboard this afternoon.

Now, let me explain. Caleb has been talking about trying to wakeboard all summer long, but when it get's down to it he gets cold feet. Well, today I knew he was SO close. So (after talking it over with husband in what I thought was a very cohesive "team parenting" sort of way) I told Caleb that if he tried wakeboarding then Daddy would take him ice skating tonight. He was going to be tandem wakeboarding with my dad, so it wasn't really that scary. And guess what...he had a fabulous time, climbed right back on the boat and exclaimed that he had "SO MUCH FUN!" And Chip was planning on taking him skating anyways. So what do you think about giving Caleb this "gentle nudge" towards something he's been wanting to do? Right or wrong, I can't say we won't be using this technique again ;)

Some more fun photos from the river...

Aunt Kass came with us and tore it up on the wakeboard :)

And in other news:

Apparently Drayson now takes care of his own "bonks"

After much pleading, I gave the mini mohawk (I hear all the kids are doing it :).

I think it kinda fits him, actually.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

As Promised...

Here are the pics from our super fun weekend:

Today we were at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center with a couple hundred awesome people from our church
action shot
that splash below the diving board is Caleb. I wasn't ready to take the pic in time. I thought for sure he'd have to go to the end and contemplate the jump. I stand corrected. Our 4 year old swims in the deep end and jumps off the diving board with the big kids...sigh.

And yesterday we were...


with these super rad people:

AND 65,000 other crazies

watching THEM!

Seattle Sounders vs. Chelsea FC

The game was unreal, the atmosphere out of this world, the company and convo were fantastic. Thanks for the good times Johnny & Julie. We will definitely be going back over to Seattle to watch another Sounders game soon.

and we had these handsome guys happily awaiting our return:

it doesn't get much better than that!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Weekly Recap

We have been having fun and staying busy. This past week found us doing:

Red Robin for David's Birthday and an impromptu sleepover at our house with the boys before they flew back to California!

Random pics with my guys...check out Drays keepin' his eye on Caleb :)

Caleb attempted to "trim up" his new hair cut...

Cuddles with Brother
when we told Drays it was time to go to his bed, he laid his head down and tried to convince us he could sleep in Caleb's room
Caleb's been going to RHS soccer camp this week (officially campers are supposed to be 6, but Caleb talked Coach Dovalle into letting him come...I'm sure by being his very humble self and telling him how amazing his soccer skills are ;). Check out the gigantic "slip n slide" they get to do on Thursdays and Fridays! That little speck coming down the slide is Caleb!

  • Caleb also started VBS (vacation bible school) last week on Wednesday nights and LOVES it.
  • My soccer girls won the Bomber Classic tourney last weekend (in 100+ degree was brutal). But they played awesome and we are so excited and looking forward to the season.
  • Drayson has added dribbling a soccer ball to his repertoire
A couple things on our TO DO list this weekend:
  • Chip & I are going to the Sounders v. Chelsea soccer game in Seattle on Saturday and we couldn't be more stoked!
  • Going to the Hermiston Aquatic Center on Sunday afternoon

Stay tuned: more pics to come after our FUNtastic weekend! Have fun everyone.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This Is What We Were Up To Last Week

To celebrate the Fourth we went with a huge group up to our family cabin in Mazama, WA (think almost to Canada...5 hr car drive...but whose counting?) It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work (mostly for the Moms, we all know Dads get to have all the fun :) Here are some--Ok, maybe I should rephrase that....Here are a TON of pictures from the trip.

This is the lake that we hiked 2.2 miles to see (caleb hiked the whole thing be himself!)

Now this is the Life!
Our sleeping quarters, spying on Drays after his nap (yes, he napped while camping...he is amazing!)
Caleb lounging with Uncle TravCaleb rode the dirt bike all by himself for the first time this weekend
The Guion Fam
"The Dads" packing the babies
Trav & I at the river, just before we braved the icy cold water
We bathed (it didn't seem to help)
Caleb showing off his "guns"...whose kid is this anyways??
Who wouldn't want to play baseball to a backdrop like this?
Caleb on the hike posing by a "his size" waterfall ;)
Caleb thought it was so cool to make a snowball during the summer!
Nonni and Drays (why yes, that is ICE in the background floating on the lake...but he screamed when we took him out...crazy kid!)
Chip finally coaxed a fish out of hibernation :)

Crazy Kid still playing in the cold water of the Methow River (poor Nonni ended up getting in with him)
Drayser and Papa KevO just checking things out
Caleb showing off the fish he and Daddy caught
And we bathed some more (still didn't help)
Roasting mallows for Smores
Drays sporting the "headlamp"

wait, one last thing. Caleb has been begging for me to shave his head "bald." So last night I finally gave in and gave Chip and Caleb summer haircuts. Notice that it is not "bald" but Caleb still thinks it is!! Too funny.