Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hot Damn, I'm married to this:

Dear Kassie, Jane & John,

I nearly peed myself when I opened my email to find none other than this picture of my now husband. Thanks for the laugh.
Pure hilarity I tell ya.

Let us ponder...
a. how much hair chip has
b. his missing basketball shorts (maybe we should just count our blessings that he wasn't sporting the beloved spandex on this day?!....Jane you SO know what I am talking about)
c. why in goodness name he was allowed out of the house like this, let alone why someone obviously took the time to pose him like this, but didn't bother to mention that he might want to remove his pants...from his brain!

His response: "Babe, you know I was a baller in the 80's!"


Unknown said...

Dont you make fun of my baby. He was so cute. He dressed himself. It is just he went from legs to shoulders. All arms and legs. How can you resist.

kassie said...

mom this picture will forever be made fun of. how can we resist? haha! chip, im sorry but that picture will never die! hahahaha

Mary said...

Bahahahah!!! Now this is the Chipper I remember from the good ol days!!!

Sarah said...

Ok, two things:

-I'm dying laughing with you because Riley has a picture almost exactly like this. I'll have to show it to you or post it. Were they on the same team? I think he had on short basketball shorts with spandex underneath and his shirt tucked in. Ha, I am just laughing.

-Secondly I was all legs in Jr. High and probably wore my pants a little too high sometimes as well. I can relate to Chipper. I always wondered the same thing, how could my parents let me go out of the house looking the way I did half the time?!

Tell Chip thanks for letting me get a laugh in today, although it was at his expense. :)

Unknown said...

He still was cute. He was my pride and joy

Julie said...

All I can say is wow what a hottie!

kassie said...

mom, he still IS your pride and joy! what are you talking about?