Yes, that would be me. Last post was for Kearyn's 1 year birthday and she is just shy of the 20 month mark-you do the math. My biggest obstacle (besides lack of time) is that I don't want to share the same exact stuff/pics that I do over on Facebook (and I'm pretty sure I don't have a slew of followers that aren't already my FB friends).
But after reading back through some of last year's posts, I had an epiphany.
This blog is as much a personal journal (if not more), as it is a place to share with others.
So with that said: Let's play catch up. In the 6+ months since I last posted we have:
- watched Chip's Southridge boys soccer team win the League & Regional Championships & take 4th at State
- Chip & I celebrated 9 years of marriage
- Drays turned 3 & played YMCA soccer this summer
- went on our annual 4th of July trip to the cabin
- labored in the hot sun to transform our front yard!
- Welcomed our new niece Delainey
- girl's soccer season started and all house projects came to a screeching halt
- Caleb started 1st Grade
- Chip turned 31 (gasp)
- Caleb turned 7 (double gasp)
- Sent Grandpa Bob to Heaven to be with Grandma Sy
- Caleb started another season of hockey
- RHS soccer girls won the League & ended up going out in the Regional Playoffs
- House projects kicked back off with the install of our new mantle!
- Thanksgiving trip to Silver Mountain, ID.
- Assembly of the new Dyson vacuum & I-fit treadmill (2012 is looking cleaner & trimmer already)
- Preparing & decorating for our first Christmas in our new home.
So yes, a ton has happened. And I realize I actually have more to say (than just my Facebook status)--you are shocked I'm sure.
So for anyone still out there: it's good to be back, but mostly I can't wait to start capturing snippets of our lives again. Because if this year has taught me one thing--it's that time goes by way too fast.

Thanksgiving 2011. Silver Mountain, ID.