And now the part you all have been anxiously awaiting:
Caleb getting instruction from his new buddies

1.Makes appropriate "vrooming" & related reving noises when playing with cars, motorcycles, etc.
2.Gives "bonks"--the new universal greeting or goodbye for our family & friends. When he's not in the mood to give hugs or kisses, he gives the "bonks" which is exactly as it sounds. He "bonks" his forhead into yours. Very sweet.
3. The open-mouthed kiss, and if you're lucky he'll lick your face!
4. Covers mouth and exclaims: "ooohhhh" from the very back of his throat. When something especially exciting has happened.
5. Throws up his hands in an "I don't know" gesture and turns his head from side to side when someone asks him a question that he doesn't know the answer to or when he can't find something.
*High 5's * understands directions* "shares" * hangs from the stove handle * smiles when disciplined * wrestles his brother * throws everything in the garbage (we are pretty sure this was the fate of lovey lamb #1 & lovey giraffe #2) * kicks a soccer ball * hits puck with hockey stick * plays fetch with the dogs * says: yeah, hi, dog, dad, mom * baby signs: please, drink, all done, more*
This craziness will take place Thursday August 27th at the Ben Franklin Fair & Rodeo. And for those of you who will not be present to witness the event, there will be a video (I promise).