Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Last First Day of Preschool.

Caleb had his last first day of preschool today! (meaning he will be in Kindergarten next year). He couldn't wait. And frankly neither could I. These past couple of weeks have been a hard time for Caleb. So many of his friends already went back to elementary school and he has been sitting around the house thinking up ways to torture his brother (thereby torturing his mother)! Drayson and I were able to spend the afternoon together. And when we picked Caleb up from school they were so happy to see each other (distance makes the heart grow fonder?--even if it's only 2 1/2 hours?.) And Caleb had definitely burned off some energy which made the rest of the night so much more peaceful. Fingers crossed that this cease fire continues through the school year (or at least next week!)
Bless you Teacher Nicole & Teacher Kim!
With much gratitude,
the rest of the inhabitants at Caleb's house


Gosfam said...

They are too cute. Peyton gets to do an hour pre-school starting today. We will see how it goes. Before you know it you will be crying as your last one goes to school :)

Sarah said...

It's amazing how fast these kids are growing up. Caleb will be the big fish in the pond this year. And I agree about the time away from each other (kids), when they see each other after school they are actually excited.