Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not So Innocent

Last night Caleb was "all up in" Drayson's personal space (not unlike the past 4 weeks or so). But instead of just 'yelling' at brother, Drayson smacked Caleb across the face with a plastic hockey stick.
Oh, how Caleb cried.
And Chip calmly said: "I told you to leave him alone."
And for the rest of the night he did (with a bright read welt on his cheek). But the sting seems to have faded overnight and he's back at it again today...what does Drays have up his sleeve this time???

I'm pretty sure Caleb is missing the days when Drayson "just laid there." The days of peace & bliss & loving siblings is gone at our house.
--So when can I come over? (sans children of course)


Anonymous said...

Is this the deja-vous of when Johnny body slammed Chip off the bed and slightly fractured Chips elbow? My response was "you were in his face and probably deserved it" The next day we took Chip in for X-Rays.

Sarah said...

The peace between siblings definitely doesn't last very long. It's actually amazing how soon they can start fighting with each other. We tell Kendle the same thing when she won't leave Morgan alone. It just makes you cherish the the tender moments when they are getting along even more.

Julie said...

That is what siblings are all about! good for him for not taking it anymore!
Looks like Caleb had fun at the game. What an awesome aunt!