Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We have had a fun-filled past couple of days. On Saturday we had some friends over for a "big people only" dinner (thanks Nonni & Papa for taking the boys). Sunday was a hockey game with a "Skate with the Americans" afterwards. Then Tuesday my sis and Trav came down to visit with Parker (and since Chip had football practice, we would like to thank Uncle Trav for getting used as the stand-in Daddy Toy. And you better believe I had my camera ready, though I did not snap any pics at dinner on Saturday...I know--shocking! All my friends teased me at dinner that anything you do around Sara can turn into a BLOG post! haha.


Video of Caleb at Skate with the Americans

On a side note...Caleb is TERRIFIED of "Winger" who is the team mascot. So he spent a lot of his time looking over his shoulder instead of enjoying himself as much as he could have. I think that there is no in between on the mascot either LOVE them and want to be held by them or they HATE them and run crying in the opposite direction. The latter would apply to our child!! Speaking on his behalf though, they did get a new costume for the bird this year and the head looks SCARY. I'll try to snap a pic next time....although Caleb never lets us get very close to it!

Caleb with Kruise

Caleb & Makayla

Above is them NOW, below is them THEN. What a difference a couple years makes!

Caleb, Makayla, Kruise & Eric

One of Caleb's favorite things to do is shoot on Chip. They talk smack to each other the whole time and Caleb goes crazy when he scores on Daddy (it is truly hilarious). Chip does not "take it easy" on him like most fathers would with a 4 year old, but I guess when your child yells things like "oh yeah, baby, you can't stop my slap shot, I just took you glove side/upper V, Dad!"....maybe he isn't just "any" 4 year old!

Action shot of Daddy playing Goalie

Just so you don't think the only thing we do is watch hockey or play hockey, or if you were worried that Drayson fell off the face of the earth.....

Drayson trying to roll over

Caleb feeding Parker (so helpful)

Parker & Drayson hanging out at the "baby gym"

Holding hands...too sweet

Chunky pants with Auntie Jamie

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