This month some of my most special people are having birthdays. My mom, my bro-in-law Trav, my sis-in-law Charlotte, Chip's Grandma Rosie, and one of my closest galfriends in the whole world Kynda. I love you guys. My life would not be nearly as full or entertaining without you!
March 1st--Rosie
So "Rosie's" name is actually Charlotte and she is Chip's grandma on his mom's side. She is one of the neatest people. She has the cutest Wisconsin accent. She lives in Billings, MT, so we don't get to see her nearly enough. One of the trips I cherish the most was over Thanksgiving the first hear Chip and I were married. We were able to go out there while Poppie was still alive and it was just the four of us plus Chip's mom, Jane. Of course no trip out to Montana would be complete without a shopping trip to TJ MAXX--I swear those Sturm women just LOVE a good trip to TJ's! Rosie is so sweet, I know that the majority of her time is spent either 1. Praying for her whole entire family daily (and it's a big one) and 2. Checking up on all of the family happenings via her computer (she always makes sure she sends back a "reply" if you send her an email). She has a way of making everyone feel very special and I love that about her.
P.S. Rosie, I'm sorry I don't have a picture of you, if I get over to Jane's in the next couple of weeks, I will try to find one to post before the month is over!
March 15th--Kynda
Kynda and I have been fast friends since 1st, soccer, church, you name it, we were probably there together. We even coached together for several years. Some people may think Kynda is quiet...her close friends would know better :) To make the package even better, she married her awesome hubby Dave this past June. We have a great time hanging out with them and a couple other "couples" on a regular basis, where we usually share good laughs and a little too much wine! Though, apparently she must be pretty good at staying out of the line of my camera (probably afraid she'll end up on the blog :), because I did not have any recent pics of her (well none that were taken before we started drinking the before mentioned wine--Kynda you are so lucky that my mom took pity on you and told me that it would not be in good birthday spirit if I posted the pic of you in the granny panties from your Bachelorette party!) So here are a couple oldies but goodies that I found in my pic box (sorry about the poor quality).
From left: Trish, Kara, Jon, Kynda, Me--circa 2000?

From left: Me, Kynda, Katie W.--circa early 1990's?

March 22nd-my Madre Donna (aka, Nonni)
I usually do not reveal the ages, but seriously I have to. My mom is 50 and looking dang good if I do say so myself. Thanks for the "genes," Mom. I kid you not, we regularly get mistaken for sisters. What can I say. My mom is SO AWESOME! I KNOW that I got the best of the bunch with her! She is one "cool" mom and always has been (I don't ever remember being embarrassed of her--even in middle school ;). She is one of my best friends and greatest shopping buddies. She is a wonderful cook (and feeds us regularly). She is caring & loving & thoughtful, but she is also feisty and quick to jump to the defense of any of her family or friends. She wears her emotions on her sleeve (if anyone was wondering which side that came from, now you know). I swear she was born to be a GRANDMA or Nonni (Caleb's name for her since he could talk...I think that will be around for a while). She doesn't think but knows HER grand kids are cuter than anyone elses! :) She is such a great support system and has really shown me how to be a good mom. So here's to you Mom. And I know you hate all pictures of yourself, but I think you are beautiful and I love you!
Mom & Me

The Fam in 2005?...missing some key players here obviously (Trav, Parker & Drays were yet to be added to the roster :)

March 24th-Travis
I don't think they come much better than this in the brother-in-law department. He is a riot, a good addition to the "good time friend." When my sis first started dating him I fondly referred to him as "new guy" or "in between" guy....well it would appear that he's here to STAY and we couldn't be happier. He and Chip get along great. He even laughs at my jokes (well at least I think he's laughing at the jokes...maybe it's just me). He is a great husband and dad also. We can't wait until they move back down here in June.
The gals & Trav at their wedding

Trav vs. The Chair on the best camping trip known to man. We have to do this again.

March 30th--Charlotte
The first time I met Charlotte was very early on in mine and Chip's relationship. I was 16. She opened the door and yelled up the stairs "Chip, you're little FRIEND is here!" So, yeah I was pretty much terrified of her for the first year or so. Now a decade later it is easy to laugh at this story. Char is a wonderful wife and mother. I was honored to be by her side when she gave birth to Nathan last year when George was in Iraq. Truly, being able to watch the miracle of birth is one of the best and greatest gifts ever (and makes you kinda proud of yourself for going through that after seeing it from the other side). I even got to cut the cool--I'll probably never get to do that again. And I think it made us closer (I had just (literally like 3 days before) had found out I was pregnant with Drays). I will always treasure those hours of "bonding" that she and I were able to have.
Charlotte with Nathan at Disneyland over Christmas vacation.
Whew!...that was a long one. And that was just a "warm-up" compared to next month. This one was kinda emotional for me too (yeah, i know, i know...what's new?). I really do love these 4 people! Happy Birthday, Kynda, Mom, Trav, Charlotte & Rosie (aka the original Charlotte :) guys deserve it!