Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monthly Tidbits-March

Caleb: 4 yrs/37.5lbs

Caleb is definitely working a Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde multiple personality disorder at the moment. He has been rocking one of two attitudes: either hilariously charming or "you didn't let me get my way and now were all going to pay for it." I will spare you details of the latter. Some of his more charming antics include:
  • learning to dive at the pool
  • taking his plate to the sink when he is done eating
  • "spraying snow" on his 2-footed hockey stops
  • walking up to me and telling me almost every letter on the SOUTHRIDGE SOCCER tshirt I was wearing the other day (he didn't know "U"...they haven't quite got that far in the alphabet at preschool yet :)
  • Told the waitress at brunch the other morning that "his mommy will have carrots" (after the waitress asked if I was ready to order)--not as a side dish mind you, but that was apparently what he thought I should have as the main course. When I explained that I wouldn't be having "just carrots" for breakfast, he said "but mom, you like carrots!" hah!
  • And I guess I could bore you with the same ol, same ol about how weirdly coordinated and athletically talented he is, but instead I will tell you about how he LOVES to split into teams at indoor soccer and then they go 1v1 against each other. Caleb gets all the other kids on his team fired up and they cheer on/go crazy for whichever teammate is playing at the time, and give them high 5's and pats on the back when they come back to the line. And in true Caleb fashion he maybe also yelled "we're taking you DOWN" to the kids on the other team...just maybe!

Drayson: 9 mo./21lbs

    My guy is one stinkin' HAPPY guy. This kid will literally go days without crying (whiny freakouts after seeing the bottle and before bottle is inserted into his mouth aside, of course).

  • LOVES all food, but especially likes cereal bars, mac & cheese & teriyaki chicken at the moment.
  • Is now sleeping on his belly with his baby bum in the air (it's freaking me out...I keep waking up in the middle of the night thinking that he is going to suffocate himself)
  • Every once in a while shakes his head side to side when you say "no,no" to him. (of course he does it with a huge grin on his face :)
  • This boy can't seem to get enough of the pool--hopefully he feels the same way about the river this summer.
  • Still no official crawling (mostly just sprawling and scooching), but loves to chase Caleb and the dogs around the house in his walker (and "yell" at them).
  • The teeth count is officially at 6 (4 top, 2 bottom)


Gosfam said...

I seriously need to start doing this. It covers so much of the kiddos and their newest achievements. Thanks for sharing. Love the pictures too.

Sarah said...

Drayson is such a happy baby. I love his little smile, he was so good at the game against Pasco and it was cold out there!