Monday, March 30, 2009

A Little of This, A Little of That

Literally, last week was truly a little of this, a little of that.
We started out the week with a little infestation of conjunctivitis (pink eye). As much as I can tell Drayson got it first and it was quickly passed to Caleb (who I later found out was being a "good" big brother by picking Drays' eye boogs for him). PERFECT.

When the boys' eyes didn't look like this (red, watery & goopy):

They looked like this (red, swollen & crusty):

A quick trip to the eye doc and 24 hours of antibiotic drops later they were back to their old selves. Turns out Chip had been picking eye boogs out of both of the boys' eyes and was pretty sure that he was going to come down with pink eye so he took a few days off and stayed home with us (the school district doesn't really think highly of the possible spread of pink eye to several hundred students and teachers).

Caleb had just enough time to become "un-conjunctified" before his class took their annual trip to the fire house right next door to the preschool. Pretty awesome! Here is part of the class with Fireman Dan and Caleb trying on the fireman's coat.

I just love these next two pics. Caleb was shooting on Chip with the SOFT puck, but still managed to catch him square in the "junk" per say. This is what I saw AFTER I heard the moaning....

Now for you non-hockey types, this is exactly what the trainer does when one of the hockey players is down on the ice--jogs out to them with the towel and then gets right down by their face to ask how "things are going." This just cracks me up...he watches EVERYTHING!

Saturday afternoon Chip's soccer boys won their game 3-0! And then that night Riley & Kendle were able to come with us to the American's hockey game. Caleb was thrilled to have Kendle there (can't you tell?!)...then again, it could just be the 20 gallons of sugar coursing through their veins. :)


Gosfam said...

Pink eye is never fun!! It also makes the kiddos evermore so sick looking :) I love Caleb with Chip. What a good trainer, and maybe a little boy hoping he doesn't get into too much trouble from daddy. LOL!! I love reading your blog.

Mary said...

"You can pick your can pick your nose (or in your case your eye)....but you cannot pick your friends nose"! ~Uncle Carl :)
Grandma Jane will appreciate this!!!

Sarah said...

That darn pink eye has been making its rounds everywhere. It seems like half the people I know got it this winter. I'm glad all your boys are better. That picture of Chip and Caleb cracked me up. Guess Caleb has a little more power than he thought. :) I love the picture of Kendle and Caleb too, very cute.