Monday, March 9, 2009

Have some KID pics!

I know some of "my readers" are actually more like "lookers" (mainly my Dad :)....they only hit up the blog for kiddo pics and could really care less about what it's like "around the house." So here are some random pics from the past few days. Enjoy!

This was what was left of Caleb at about midnight of the soccer sleepover. This is like "where's waldo"...can you see Caleb among the sea of blue soccer gear?

Caleb is really into taking pics lately. Here is one that actually has our heads intact! :)

The boys are starting a "tight jammie" club! Only people under the age of 6 will be allowed out of respect for the rest of the viewers (after that it's just not cool ;)

The other night Drays was doing this hilarious thing where he would pull the curtain back and look at his reflection in the window--then he would look back at us and GRIN and chuckle. It must have gone on for several minutes. He and (we) thought it crazy funny...oh how babies can hold our attention with the silliest of things.

And look who is trying to pull himself up on things...really great! How things change from Baby #1 to Baby #2. With Caleb we were like "wow, he is so advanced and amazing." With Drayson I'm like "crap, do you think it would be bad to bind his legs for a couple months?" :)
PS--don't worry...March Birthday post soon to come. Just compiling all the most embarrassing (oops, I mean most FLATTERING) pics of the special people!


Mary said...

Drayson's big beautiful eyes look like Cassie's! He is getting so big!

Sarah said...

I can't believe Caleb took such a great picture, that is pretty impressive! The tight jammy club comment cracked me up.