Thursday, October 29, 2009
Handy Manny Goes to School
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
To Do This Week:
- Pumpkin Patch with the preschool
- Win our final league soccer game and wrap up the #1 spot!
- 14 week doctor visit
- Finish Halloween costumes in time for Caleb's Halloween Party
- put away mounds of clean laundry (at least it's clean right?)
- Watch Caleb play hockey
- Watch Drayson charm other spectators at hockey practice
- Wish my good friend Kara a Happy Birthday!
- Get maternity clothes down from attic. Ugh.
- Continue to dream/countdown our AZ trip
*Sidenote: I bought a pair of Ugg boots this weekend. they are not really Uggs, they are from Costco. they are amazingly comfortable. I'm afraid they make me look ridiculous/sixteen.
But I'm not taking them back. So there.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Did you know that we are going to fly roundtrip for $280 out of Pasco (and that would be both of us-not per person). We would not be going on said trip right before Christmas if we weren't doing it on the cheap.
Now I'm bargain hunting hotels. I'm stalking and then cross referencing Do you know about this hotwire bit? You go to their site, you select your dates and your specific location/area (like within a couple mile radius) and they give you these awesome hotel options with rock bottom rates. As in $59 for a 4-star hotel in Scottsdale (whoo-ee)! The catch? They don't tell you the name of the hotel until after you have purchased. They list the amenities and hotels that usually fall in to this star category. Then you have to decide if you're willing to risk it. We have used Hotwire 3 times before. Once for a rental car in San Diego, once for a hotel in LA, once for a hotel in Seattle. It totally worked out all three times...actually we were blown away at the awesomeness at such a low price. Like when we were in LA there was a Valet and super swanky lobby (fyi: we don't usually make a habit of staying in dives, but we think a Marriot is pretty nice).
Is this making any sense?
Anyways, the only thing about doing this is: it gives me a stomach ache. It seems too good to be true. I get so scared right before I press the "confirm" button. I get even more queasy right before the page opens to the name of the hotel that we have just charged several hundred dollars to our credit card for. You get me? So here I am back in the same old boat.
But man, I sure do like those Valets and swanky lobbies...
Opinions? advice? tips? name of a good shrink?
Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Pun-kin-ing
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Let the Countdown Begin
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
An Explanation of Bacon Bits
So while we took Caleb skating. And he schooled me in stopping. (see video below)
Drayson played at Grandma Jane & Papa Larry's. A sweet little girl from Jane's daycare was a little confused as to what Drayson's name was and kept calling him Bacon! Ha. Imagine my surprise when we showed up and she asked me "why did you name your baby Bacon?" (pretty sure that's a once in a life time question there). Chip and I thought it was hilarious and somehow it came about that Baby #3 should be referred to as Bits. Yes, as in Bacon Bits. It could be like a 2 for the price of 1 deal. Can you imagine: "Bacon Bits time to come in for dinner...." You get the idea.
Here's a quick peek at the growing "Bits": (and yes, I am using the ever popular rubber band in place of button technique if you were wondering). Doesn't look like much yet, but we are 12 wks along this week. (praying that the less nauseous days are just around the corner).

We kinda felt bad that Caleb was left out of the whole thing. Last night we asked him he'd like to be called Cruton. (imagine blank stare from 5 year old here). Apparently Chip and I thought it was funnier than Caleb.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Weekly Highlights

And yes, Chip is still alive and part of our family (cause ya know, we wouldn't eat or have a place to sleep without him). He is extremely busy with his classroom, his pro-cert/Master's classes, coaching soccer, and helping with the boys.
Ta-Ta for now!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Who Woulda Thought??
- ovulation sticks
- morning temps
- calender marking
- meds
- hearing that every other person you somehow know is expecting
- month after month of disappointment
that I would be announcing that we are pregnant with Bean #3 (the good ol fashion way, like without all that un-fun stuff listed above). I'm still kinda shocked myself. When I mentioned as much to my mother she said: "I thought you knew how that all worked." And I do, but when it "doesn't work like that" for ya for 2 whole years and you're pretty sure God decided to only send you 1 baby...and now you're gonna have 3...well that's a kick in the pant for sure.
Then you do the math and realize that #2 & #3 are going to be less than 24 months apart. And then you kinda maybe freak out just a little bit (but your calm as all husband does not and just smiles at you like a goofball, because we all know he would be happy with a farm full of kids).
Then you feel better that the new/bigger car you bought several months back wasn't just a "want" but is now obviously a "need." And that the bunk beds you bought for a very special 5 year old boy who begged and begged for them for 6 months also isn't a "want" but a "need." And realize that with some very serious storage planning (and the before mentioned bunk beds) a bigger house is not a "need" but a "want" (which is a great thing, because we all know babies aren't cheap).
Our due date is April 30th (which means I am 10wks along). I've been terribly nauseous this time (like all day long), which stinks. And very exhausted. Yes, we are going to find out what we are having this time (that should be right around Christmas time). We are going to find out for 2 reasons: 1. I need to mentally prepare if I am going to be the mother of 3 boys. 2. I need to know if I can have a "boy" yard sale (meaning their clothes--not the boys themselves) and then take all that money and spend it on my pretty pretty princess of course.
We are obviously so excited and nervous at the same time (me mostly because that's how I am, but I think I'm especially nervous this time because we have already been blessed with 2 very healthy babies and I don't want my luck to run out). I even went round and round about the appropriate time to post this to the there a time protocol or something? I know lots of people wait 12 wks, but we saw the dr. yesterday and got to hear the heartbeat so I feel pretty good. And most of our family knows anyways. And since this is a journal of sorts for me it was weird to have to "keep that part" out of the posts. So there you have it, the daily ramblings of my head (prepare yourself, probably a lot more of that to come in the next several months). Keep the prayers and good thoughts heading our's gonna be a wild ride.
ps. For the record Caleb thinks it's twins...I told him to shut his mouth. :)