Friday, May 7, 2010

Kearyn's Birth Story: Part 1

I've finally decided to sit down and write Kearyn's birth story. This was so totally different than the boys' births. Maybe I was a little full of myself, thinking I was some kind of 'labor rockstar.' Maybe this was God's way of saying: "Sara, you can not do it all on your own." If this experience has taught me anything it is this:
I must lean...on God, on family, on friends. I must say yes to help and not feel badly about it.

On Tuesday, April 27th we went in to get this little lady jump started and on her way. Now, in my heart I knew she would not be born until the 28th. We hung out for a couple hours waiting on our doctor who was taking care of an ambulance call that had come in. At 4:30pm I sent Chip on his way to coach his soccer game at 5pm and my mom came to sit with me (I know, I know, I am the coolest wife ever-not to mention a hard core soccer junkie). They broke my water at 6pm, but nothing much was happening. By the time Chip arrived back at the hospital they had started me on a petocin drip. As we approached midnight, I could see that we were in for the long haul and opted for the epidural. We labored through the night. 5cm, 6cm, 7cm....7cm. I was stuck. And at that moment in my heart I knew something was not quite right. At about 8am, my doctor showed up to check on me surprised that he had not been paged and roused from sleep in the middle of the night to deliver a baby. He checked me again, he looked confused, saying that the head felt strange. He'd like to check with the ultrasound machine. Turns out baby girl's "head" was actually her shoulder. She was transverse. Dr. H and my wonderful nurse Kathy exchanged looks and my heart fell. I knew what that look meant, it would be a C-section this time for me. And I felt defeated.

So after laboring for 14 long hours, the room was abuzz, prepping me for surgery. They would need to make a vertical incision in my uterus instead of horizontal to have room to remove baby girl. I was shaking with nerves. My head and eyes were fuzzy with sleeplessness and exhaustion. They wheeled me into the OR. I remember shaking so bad and they gave me something that made me even woozier. I remember dry heaving and them giving me something for that. Chip says I asked several questions...I don't remember. I do remember when they pulled her out and she wasn't crying. And they took her to the table and suctioned her and she still wasn't breathing. And all I could see was her little legs not moving and all I heard was silence because she wasn't wailing like she should be. And finally, praise God, the sweetest sound I've ever heard...her first cry.

Stay tuned for: Part 2

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