I have almost finished my Christmas shopping--hallelujah! And no I have not wrapped one present yet...all you people who have had your presents bought, wrapped and under the tree since the day after Thanksgiving! This year I actually did quite a bit of online shopping...and I love it! No lines, no dragging around kids/husband, etc. You get the picture I'm sure. I am down to the nitty gritty, the last couple people on my list who I did not have specific present ideas for...which means RANDOM SEARCHING. Now sometimes I do not mind random searching, but this year I don't really have the patience or self-control for it.
For me RANDOM SEARCHING = EXTRA PURCHASES FOR MY BOYS. I just happen to see things that are too cute to resist and then they are on sale, so of course I BUY! This year we are not doing the big present thing for our immediate family, because we are going to California with Chip's family from the 25th through the 30th (so we are saving our $ to spend down there on all the goodies that the tourist attractions of Southern CA offer). Anyways, that last 2 paragraphs of rambling leads me to these two pics of Caleb in his newly purchased "guess it doesn't
have to be for Christmas" vest that I got at Kohl's for 50% off! Yay!
I cannot resist the puffy vest. I think it makes him look so grown up & stylish!

The bear he is posing with is "Buddy Bear" He gets to come home from school with each of the kid's and then they write about the adventures they had together! This is Caleb's 2nd time and we get him for the WHOLE weekend this time...big stuff!

The pic above is Caleb showing me how Buddy Bear is going to ride on his shoulders into the hockey game tomorrow night! (this is how Chip carries Caleb into the games most of the time)!
Caleb & Drayson both "playing" with their hockey sticks. Caleb just can't wait until Drays is big enough to play with him!

Last night Caleb did not want to finish his dinner in a timely manner, so we left him at the table to finish the job before he could come join us. After a good 20 minutes and no complaing Chip went to check on him and this is what he found....

And for you curious people, the answer is NO, he will not wake up in the middle of the night hungry, he will more than likely just eat an extra bowl of cereal for breakfast the next morning!
Couldn't have a post without a picture of Mr. Drayson Pants. He goes in for his 6 month well-baby check in 2 weeks, but I took him in so the Dr. could check out a rash Drays had been rocking for several days. Apparently nothing to worry about on the rash, but the nurse weighed him and Butterball weighed in at a nice even 17lbs! We celebrated the occasion by purchasing Size 3 diapers! He has gotten this eating off the spoon thing down and is loving his rice cereal feedings that we have added right before bed.

Excited for the weekend. Caleb has his last hockey practice for this session Friday night, followed by an American's hockey game. Saturday will be some random chores, shopping, Christmas prep and family time. Then there is another Ams game Sunday night, followed by a Skate with the Americans. Caleb is very excited!