Saturday, December 6, 2008

O Christmas Tree...

Yesterday we put up our tree, outside lights and all the other Christmas decorations. And I feel I must admit something...I am not one of those people who LOVE to put up the tree or "wait all year" for Thanksgiving so they can finally start putting up all the stuff--nope that's just not how I roll (and Chip is pretty much the same). I just don't enjoy dragging all the stuff out and I detest having to put it all away...especially taking down all the ornaments off the tree...ugh! Now don't get me wrong, we love celebrating Christmas and we don't forget for a minute the "Reason for the Season"...Christmas does begin with Christ! But, since we do have small children and it is "the thing to do" we continue to do the whole decorating deal (mind you, this DOES NOT and never will include any lawn ornaments)! But on the first night after we get the stuff up, I really do enjoy all the pretty lights on the tree and driving up to the house and seeing the outside lights on. Must be something about that soft white glow from the lights that really starts to change my spirit!

This year Caleb really got into the whole trimming of the tree thing. He was so proud to put up his candy cane ornament that he made at school.

One of the trees outside (and my not so good attempt at an artistic picture)
This is the one decoration I do not mind putting up at all...probably because it is the easiest and makes the door look so cute!

And we couldn't have a post without a new pic of the boys. Caleb loves to get into the crib to help wake Drays up in the morning or help put him down for a nap. He cuddles him and we sing. Notice that their heads appear to be the same size...hmmm. In other big news my little baby is cutting his first tooth!! I am having a real issue with this one people, considering Caleb did not get any teeth until 10 months and Drays is not even 6 months yet...have that many months really gone by since we were holding our precious new guy at the hospital?
When I was pregnant with Drays I got the greatest children's book by Karen Kingsbury called "Let Me Hold You Longer." It is all about a mother and her son and her remembering all of his "lasts"....last time she rocked him good night, etc. all the way up through his adult life. It is too sweet, I cry every time I read it. Caleb loves the story, but can't figure out why "mommy gets sad." It really reminds me that time does fly and these precious moments will be gone in a flash and I'm gonna grab every last one and hold on for dear life!


Mary said...

Looks great! The first year we put up a Christams tree it didn't come down until Valentines Day!

Sarah said...

I love what you said about feeling more in the spirit of things once you see that soft white glow from the tree and the lights. I feel the same way. And totally understand the dreaded day of packing everything back up after Christmas. Blah!

Gosfam said...

So glad you ran into my mom. I am an avid blogger and love corresponding with everyone!! You have such a cute family and congrats with baby #2--Drayson is a cute name, never heard of it and I like!! I will keep in touch.