Thursday, December 18, 2008

Family Skate & Caleb Funnies

Last night was Caleb's end of session hockey party. So the whole family got to skate (minus Drayson of course...THANKS Papa Larry for coming and amusing the little man so that Chip & I could both skate with Caleb)! Seriously, Caleb is such a good little skater now, he is WAY faster & way more skilled than I am.

Anyone who knows Caleb knows that he speaks in "CALEBese" and has since he first started talking. One of the most memorable is "E-oh" which meant OTHER, as in "I want the "E-oh" blankie!" He has since outgrown that term, but his newest one is "I GO SPEED" which means FAST, as in "Dad, the other day when I was riding my bike I was going SPEED" or "I was going so SPEED that the other kid couldn't even catch me" Too funny.

Also the other day at the dinner table he says out of know where:
Caleb: "Landon doesn't share his toys."
Chip: "Well, you just make sure you share your toys, ok"
Caleb: "I do. Bryce came up and tried to take my toy the other day and I said "Bryce, you need to ask first because that's the nice thing to do" so Bryce said "can I please have that toy" and I said "SURE."
Chip: (chuckling) "well, that's real good to hear"

I am just so glad that the things we are teaching actually do get through to Caleb (on some days).


Sarah said...

Can Caleb teach me how to skate so I can go SPEED? Love it!

Mary said...

After reading your blog today, Piper stated that she "wanted to learn to skate and a new baby boy like Caleb". I think we'll just try the skates!

Parker's Mommy said...

I miss you guys so much. Hopefully we will actually be able to make it down tomorrow! Caleb cracks me up!!! I am so blessed to have 2 amazing nephews!

Gosfam said...

What a cute little Hockey Star Caleb is. By the way super cute Christmas Card--We haven't even got a family picture yet this year or any cards sent out. I am a slacker this year :)