Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009
Monthly Tidbits-February

I just had to include these last two pics:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Heart Day
Check out what Caleb picked out to give to his classmates....I tried to explain that AirHeads are not a typical Valentine's Day treat, but then thought to myself..."oh, what the heck...airheads are way better than those nasty conversation hearts anyways!" He wrote his name on all the hearts and proclaimed it "hard work!" Really? you just came home from an hour of hockey practice, you picked yourself and all your gear up off the ice how many times, and writing your name is "hard work?"
Caleb and Drays wrestling before Caleb left for school. Look how oblivious and happy Drayson looks here...he doesn't even know that he is getting baby shots at the Dr.'s in just a few short hours!
I just have to comment on how truly awesome it is to watch your baby master a new skill for the first time while you are watching. Now, I know that I look back and say, Caleb did this and that at so and so an age. But this morning I actually was there to lay eyes upon the very moment of one of Drayson's "firsts." He drank from a sippy cup. And not just any sippy cup. After several weeks of purchasing different "starter" or "first stage" type sippys to no avail. He picked up Caleb's "big guy" sippy (you know the Playtex kind every person with a toddler has in their cupbord?) and drank straight from it like he's been doing it his whole life. So there you have it.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Life's Short, Play Hockey
Caleb: "Kruise" (of course)
Chip: "Do you know who my favorite hockey player is?"
Caleb: "who?"
Chip: "You!"
I love to watch them...Caleb just gets the biggest grin on his face!
We had such a fun weekend--and most of it was hockey related (shocking, I know)! Friday night was stick time for Caleb. Saturday morning we went and watched one of Caleb's buddies play in a Mite hockey tourney (it was fun to see what Caleb will be doing in just a couple years). Then Caleb's friend Andy came over to play for the day. They played roller hockey out front with the neighbor kids for like 4 straight hours (I kid you not)!
The night was topped off by an American's game. Sunday Caleb had a make-up hockey practice and then another trip to the rink for an Am's game and skate with the players. (Thanks to Jane, Larry and Kassie for a yummy dinner and getting to warm up before heading back to the freezing cold ice arena). Sunday night's game was especially great because Eric Mestery (one of the old American's players) was back in town with his team, so we got to visit with him and Caleb was so excited to see him!
..."Caleb, who is your best friend besides Daddy?"...."KRUISE!"
When we got to the game last night there was a "big guy size" hockey stick sitting in Caleb's seat. It was Kruise's game stick from the night before and on it was written this note from Kruise:
To Caleb:
All the best! Work hard, have fun and one day you will play for the Americans!
Kruise is always so great to Caleb. One of the truly "nice guys"--the kind that I can only hope my boys grow up to be. His mom should get some sort of medal for sure. Here are some pics of him and Caleb skating after the game.
Caleb showing off his skills (take note of the cross-over...I can personally not do this without catching an edge--and I didn't feel like humiliating myself in front of the several hundred people that were present).
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Happy Birthday, February!
Meg and I have been friends since Mrs. Ferguson's class in the 1st grade. She now lives in the Portland area with her awesome husband Brad. So many of my friends are from Forever Ago, and I am so very lucky to still have them in my life. Though we don't see each other as much as we used to (pretty much everyday through high school), it is that much more fun when we get to see them when they are in town. Meg is so crazy...she knows how to 'whoop it up' like no one I know. Meg, thanks for all the great (yet sometimes nasty :) memories. Hope you have a great birthday!
Also, 2 of Chip's best friends, Riley and Mike, have birthdays this month. February 3rd & 24th. I swear to you that Chip talks to both of them multiple times a day (and it is almost always soccer related). Happy 28th Birthday, Guys!
And if my memory serves me, Feb. 18th is Charlotte & George's anniversary (chip's sis & her hubby). Hope you have a good one. You 2 are really great together.
Monday, February 2, 2009
February Journal Entry

Have a little Baby Caleb Lovin' (Valentine's Day 2006--17 months old). This is one of those pics I can threaten him with when he is a teenager!