Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, February!

It's a short list this month!

Feb. 8th-Megan (Neill) Weeks (orange dress @ Jon & Nat's wedding a couple summers ago). Also L-R: Kynda, Cara, Chelle, Meg, Kara, Me

Meg and I have been friends since Mrs. Ferguson's class in the 1st grade. She now lives in the Portland area with her awesome husband Brad. So many of my friends are from Forever Ago, and I am so very lucky to still have them in my life. Though we don't see each other as much as we used to (pretty much everyday through high school), it is that much more fun when we get to see them when they are in town. Meg is so crazy...she knows how to 'whoop it up' like no one I know. Meg, thanks for all the great (yet sometimes nasty :) memories. Hope you have a great birthday!

Also, 2 of Chip's best friends, Riley and Mike, have birthdays this month. February 3rd & 24th. I swear to you that Chip talks to both of them multiple times a day (and it is almost always soccer related). Happy 28th Birthday, Guys!

And if my memory serves me, Feb. 18th is Charlotte & George's anniversary (chip's sis & her hubby). Hope you have a good one. You 2 are really great together.


Sarah said...

I feel the same way about Riley being on the phone. They are so very co-dependant. :)

Gosfam said...

What a great picture of everybody!! I really haven't seen anybody since high school besides you. Hmmmm...a little sad.

Anonymous said...