Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heart Day

Today was Caleb's Valentine's Day party at preschool. He sported his red polo and I just had to share this pic. He is one good lookin' boy if I do say so myself. I can already hear the phone calls from all the girls...."is Caleb there?"....ugh! Hands in his pockets and all...yup--he's got his daddy's charm! Today as I was getting ready and he was watching cartoons in our bedroom, he looked right at me and said "I love you, Mom!" Geez, melt my heart--maybe it's the shirt--I should make him wear red everyday!

Check out what Caleb picked out to give to his classmates....I tried to explain that AirHeads are not a typical Valentine's Day treat, but then thought to myself..."oh, what the heck...airheads are way better than those nasty conversation hearts anyways!" He wrote his name on all the hearts and proclaimed it "hard work!" Really? you just came home from an hour of hockey practice, you picked yourself and all your gear up off the ice how many times, and writing your name is "hard work?"

Caleb and Drays wrestling before Caleb left for school. Look how oblivious and happy Drayson looks here...he doesn't even know that he is getting baby shots at the Dr.'s in just a few short hours!

I just have to comment on how truly awesome it is to watch your baby master a new skill for the first time while you are watching. Now, I know that I look back and say, Caleb did this and that at so and so an age. But this morning I actually was there to lay eyes upon the very moment of one of Drayson's "firsts." He drank from a sippy cup. And not just any sippy cup. After several weeks of purchasing different "starter" or "first stage" type sippys to no avail. He picked up Caleb's "big guy" sippy (you know the Playtex kind every person with a toddler has in their cupbord?) and drank straight from it like he's been doing it his whole life. So there you have it.


Lyssa said...

Oh so cute! I cant wait to see you guys. I am going to make a Valentine's dinner tomorrow night and we can have our own Valentine's party just the 6 of us!

Lyssa said...

Oh, and you can also let Caleb know that we have marshmellow fluff and PB all ready and waiting for him. I tried the fluff in hot cocoa last night like you mentioned - pretty awesome.

Gosfam said...

Your boys are too cute. I love the red polo he is definitely stylish. Airheads are totally acceptable.

Sarah said...

I like the way Caleb's rockin' the popped up collar. Watch out girls! Hope your family has a wonderful weekend.

Rosie said...

You guys do have 2 beautiful boys! And He looks like a total stud with his hands in his pocket and collar all flipped up. Enjoy being the only girl in his life!....for right now anyway:)