Friday, February 20, 2009

Monthly Tidbits-February

So you will notice a drastic change in the quality of the pics on this posting compared to normal everyday postings of mine. That is because this past weekend we were lucky enough to head up to Kirkland to visit Lyssa and Charlie, and Lyssa took some amazing pictures of the boys! So here are a couple of the pics from the weekend (it was so hard to choose). You can click HERE if you are interested in viewing the rest of the pics from her picasaweb album. Lyssa is totally in on my mission to get a new camera. She took all of these on automatic setting using here Nikon D60, just so that I could see the quality I would be getting even if I didn't figure out how to use any of the other manual settings at first!...I'm hooked! Enjoy!


Age: 4yrs/5months
Favorite things: Roller hockey, jumping on the neighbor's trampoline (apparently our talented boy can do a front flip...hmmm...I'm just going to pretend that I don't know that he is attempting this manuever and rest better at night)
Favorite foods: eggos waffles, lucky charms, still grubbing on his PB & marshmallow cream
Dislikes: Having to get out of the pool, being told "NO" (he's a bossy thing...can't imagine where he got that)
Accomplishments: grabs rings off the bottom of the pool (in ~4 feet of water), can almost buckle his seatbelt all by himself, helps me set the table.
Tender moment: his prayers at night..."Dear Jesus, tank you for letting me play hockey so good..." Though he usually adds some other nice things after this, Chip and I have to try very hard not to giggle (kids are just so darn sweet and honest).


Age: 8 months
Favorite things: going swimming at the pool, his new "sound spa" (my mom and my sis swear by this noise machine so my mom bought me one and I am hooked...his favorite is the RAIN setting--he sleeps like the dead).
Favorite foods: chicken, pasta, rice, club crackers, jello
Dislikes: when mommy leaves the room (he's got a bit of "stranger danger" going on), the fact that he is no longer being nursed.
Accomplishments: drinks from a straw, clapping to music
Tender moment: lays his face against yours first thing after waking up
We are starting to teach Drayson some signs, such as MORE and PLEASE. He now has 4 teeth in and is working on 2 more already.
Caleb has announced that he needs to learn how to write his last name as well, so that he can get his own library card and go and check out books all by his self (I think he honestly expects me to just throw him on the city bus)!

I just had to include these last two pics:


Gosfam said...

Those pictures are super cute. I love the monthly tidbits. I wish my pictures were such GREAT quality. Whenever baby #3 comes along I may have to try the noise machine.

Anonymous said...

Both my kids sleep with "Rain" on full blast...sharing a paper thin wall wouldn't work otherwise. Loved reading this!