Monday, February 2, 2009

February Journal Entry

February 2, 2009

Outside my window:

The sun is just starting to set. And the temperature is dropping FAST! At least the snow is off the ground now.

I am thinking:

About the possibility of getting a bigger vehicle. Chip and I have been discussing this for awhile. We have driven a few different vans and SUV's and are trying to narrow it down. Caleb was so excited to go on a couple "taste" drives with us (he's so funny). The good news about the economy being in a dump is that car prices are down, so we may be able to get a steal of a deal (fingers crossed).

I am thankful for:

The fact that Caleb is over the stomach bug that had him down half of last week (and the fact that no one else in the fam caught it...yet).

From the kitchen:

Nothing! Because my mom sent home left over fried chicken that we are totally having for dinner tonight. All I'm gonna do is maybe throw together a salad or something easy. This was the perfect day for it...I'm feeling pretty lazy.

I am wearing:

Jeans and a fleece.

I am creating:

Zilch. Nada. Nothing.
I got all powered up to make Drayson and Caleb matching fleece tie blankets last week, but Jo-Ann's is all out of the hockey fleece that I had my eye on. And of course now nothing else will do.

I am going:

To make Caleb some hot chocolate, because he just came inside from riding his bike...brrr. Of course there will be a dollop of marshmallow cream in his mug (his favorite condiment besides ketchup :)

I am reading:

The Busy Mom's Guide to Wisdom by Lisa Whelchel. My Grandma Janet got me this neat devotional for Christmas and I think its about time to crack it open and get this year started off right. Now that we are into the 2nd month of the year, I can't be using the excuse of "after Holiday damage control" anymore.

I am hoping:

To get a new "grown-up" camera for my birthday. Some of my friends have really nice cameras and take some amazing photos. I'd love to get a new camera and learn how to take awesome pics of my boys. I can only justify getting an entry level model for now, since I have no idea what I am doing and Chip and I never spend hundreds of dollars on ourselves. I have been eyeing either the Nikon D40 or D60.

I am hearing:

Caleb slurping up the remnants of his hot cocoa (that didn't last long) and Drayson growling and yelling at Caleb to share his crackers. We realized last week that Drayson LOVES Club crackers. My mom brought over some "sour stomach" supplies for Caleb, I was holding Drays and apparently he decided he needed a snack, he just stuck out his little hand and without thinking my mom just handed him a cracker. Neither one of us realized what had happened until that little booger crunched that cracker in half with his 2 little teethers...and he wasn't keen on the idea of her taking it away! Since he hasn't choked, we figure he is good to go.

Around the house:

Still need to hang a few new things around the house that we got for Christmas (we are notorious for not getting things hung up for months). Garbage needs taken out, a little bit of tidying, but nothing terrible.

One of my favorite things:

Hanging out with friends. Chip and I went to dinner and the hockey game with our friends Dave & Kynda on Saturday and had a blast. We really need to do it more often. We are lucky enough to have several different groups of friends and we have an awesome time with all of them. Some of our friends are from Forever Ago, some are newer, some have young families like us, some don't and remind us to get out without the kiddos once in awhile! But this weekend reminded me that Chip and I need to remember to take time to have fun without the boys every once in awhile.

Some plans for the upcoming month:

In the immediate future Caleb has a dentist appointment. Only 6 more weeks of hockey left, and then he will start Little Kickers indoor soccer at the beginning of March, as well as Chip starting up for boy's soccer season. I have a hair cut and color next week and am also helping out with a women's luncheon at church at the end of the month. Seems like February will be over before it even gets started. Once spring sports start we will be living in a soccer driven haze for the next few months until May. We need to soak up some quality Daddy Time before then!!

A picture thought I am sharing:

Have a little Baby Caleb Lovin' (Valentine's Day 2006--17 months old). This is one of those pics I can threaten him with when he is a teenager!


Gosfam said...

I would never have thought of Marshmallow Creme in Hot Chocolate. I don't where I have been :) So I am assuming Kynda is/was? Kynda Nussbaum. How is she? Enjoy your month-I have a church dinner I am helping with the beginning of March I am already planning for. The busy lives we lead.

Lyssa said...

For your I am thinking: You need to come to Seattle to get our car so you can see your friend in the process!

For your I am hoping: You should totally get the Nikon D60, I love love love mine. Even when you just have it on the auto settings you get awesome pictures. Then buy "Nikon D60 for Dummies" and you will learn all you need to know and the book is really easy to follow. And you should join the photo club that I am in - each week we have a theme and everyne posts pictures on Flickr to our group for that theme. It is lots of fun and I have been learning a ton. Let me know if you are interested and I will give you the info.

To your My Favorite Things: You guys are one of my favorite things too!

To Caleb's Baby-Bootie: That is such a hilariously adorable picture. Is that a temporary tattoo or did you draw that with a marker?

Love you lots and hope to see you soon. Give those little boys a big hug for me!!

Parker's Mommy said...

I remember when you took those pictures of Caleb...they can only be upstaged by the ones of him "reading" the paper (upside down)on the training potty! So funny!

Mary said...

You so CANNOT get a "mini van"!!!! You and Chip are way too cool! :0)

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness, that picture of Caleb is priceless. I just laughed out loud!


Lys--that is actually a heart sticker on his cute little bum. And thanks for the info on the camera. I'd also love to see you guys soon!!

Jamie--Thanks for reminding me of the potty picture, I'll have to post that one for everyone soon (good thing he is only 4 and can't be totally embarrassed by his mother yet).

Mary--I definitely appreciate you rating us so high on your cool-o-meter, but you are right, even though the practicality of a van appeals to the type-a side of me, I cannot bring myself to do it!

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