Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monthly Tidbits-January

Another great stolen post idea! I wish I could take credit for coming up with these ideas...this one I stole from Carly. The jist: take a monthly pic of the kiddos and jot down some highlights, etc. from that month. I think it will be so neat to look back on, and only wished I had started it sooner. But better late than never, I suppose.

Age: 4yrs,4months (35lbs)

Favorite things: hockey, swimming, playdates w/friends

Favorite foods: PB & marshmallow sandwiches, "sweet thins" (wheat thins), apple juice

Dislikes: someone else waking him up, wiping under his chin

Accomplishments: writes his own name, skating backwards, hockey stops

Tender moment: making Drayson laugh, climbing into his crib to sing to him


Age: 7 months (19.5 lbs)

Favorite things: exersaucer, Caleb, anyone who smiles at him

Favorite food: biter biscuits, applesauce, apple chips

Dislikes: not much--when caleb leaves the room and doesn't pay attention to him

Accomplishments: sitting up by himself, using his walker, starting to feed himself, trying to wave, sleeps 11 hours straight at night

Tender moment: grabs your face and tries to give "kisses"

* I have never seen two kids more happy to see each other than the boys in the morning. It's like they can hardly stand being away from each other for that long. I pray that this continues!


Parker's Mommy said...

I miss you all so much. I was just telling Travis last night how much I cannot wait to be back "home" and to not have to be away from you guys and our adorable nephews anymore!!! Give kisses to the boys for us...I can't believe how big all 3 boys are getting & so fast! I feel like a week goes by and he is already bigger than he was at the beginning of the week! I am sure you are feeling the same way with Drays. A little tidbit of my own: I called Parker Parks the other day and Trav gave me "the look"--he asked me, with his Trav face, "Did you really just call him Parks?" I told him YES, like Parks Bonifay! Oh, to be young again! Miss you and love you sis!

Sarah said...

The boys are so cute and that's great that they love being around each other so much. They will be good buds.

Gosfam said...

Another cute idea. I may have to steal that on occasion too. Your boys are too cute. Peyton always hugs Kendall when she wakes up in the morning also. I hope it continues!!

Carly said...

Your boys are so precious. I'm so glad you used the idea, it will be very fun for us to look back on. Have a great week!

Meghan said...

Oh how I miss the days when the twins were so happy to be in their saucer and watch me move about the house!! So if you are thinking about getting a new camera that isn't a point & shoot, I would definitely look into the Nikon D40 or D60. The d60 will be a little bit higher in MegaPixels, but in a DSLR the pixels are diffferent than in a point and shoot. Basically you can get away with lower megapixels because of how the images are recorded.... Something like that I don't understand it completely. Either one would be an awesome camera. I had the d50 but they don't make it anymore. It is about the equivalent of the d40 though. Yes it was super easy to learn. You can totally shoot in automatic or you can shoot in full manual if you ever want to get into that. Either way you will love how fast it is and they are just awesome cameras! Let me know if you end up getting one!

Rosie said...

Isn't it great to see your boys excited to see each other! It sure is a blessing:)

I laughed at you thoughts on feet. You asked if the one with spread toes fits their personality? YES! It is Kolby my 8 year old and he is full of fire and humor.....he kills me:)I will post some pictures of them in their wrestling as soon as their uniforms come in. Have a great day!