Sunday, January 4, 2009

Where does he come up with this stuff?

2 new thoughts from the Brain of Caleb:

1. "I SCALED myself and it said 55 pounds"
(he actually WEIGHED himself on the new scale...and apparently he doesn't know his numbers as well as we thought because he only weighs 35 lbs! ha.).

But what can you expect as far as the numbers go when he only uses them to relate to anything hockey? Case in point: "dad what time do we get on the plane?" when the clock says Kruise Reddick's number" "OK." (that would be 11, friends!).

him" "Mom, I have issues" (don't we all?, but seriously?...this otta be good)
me: "what kind of issues?"
him: "when I pee, it takes forever now!"
me: "go talk to your Dad about that one."

And on a side note--it would appear the baby does not particularly care for bananas!

That is all. Have a good day!


Mary said...

That is so funny about the scale! Piper continually makes me buy her new undies because her "butt is getting too big".

Sarah said...

I read your trip update from the post below and all I can say is WHEW - I'm tired just thinking about what you guys had to go through. I'm glad the rest of your trip made up for the bad traveling parts. The last picture of Drayson on this post eating bananas is hilarious! Your kids are so cute.

Meghan said...

He is hilarious... I love that he said he has issues!! Kids are awesome!