Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Help!...We've Created a Monster

What has happened to my sweet little angel baby?
Drayson has been getting solids since the beginning of December, but just in the last couple of weeks has the sassing began. He LOVES food!.... loves, loves, loves it!!! Warning: do not let him see the bottle, the bowl, his bib until you are absolutely ready to feed him. I used to like to sit him at the table in his little high chair thingy that attaches to a dining room chair and pull him right up to the table to hang out with the rest of us. But, he has no manners whatsoever. He stares, he drools, he grabs and worst of all he YELLS. No crying, just looks right at you, opens his mouth and makes this growling noise from the back of his throat. We started him on those little dissolve able snacks, they worked for awhile. But now he knows how to mash them up in like 2 seconds and then its like he just KNOWS that we are trying to put him off and that does not go over well. The only thing that seems to be working at this point is grapes. Yes, Chip let him suck on a grape the other day while Chip held onto it, and that was the beginning of the end. Drayson is a grape lover for sure. So now my days have been spent peeling grapes and cutting them into little tiny baby sized pieces. I'm pretty sure that grape peeling should be ranked right up there with Chinese water torture! But they do seem to keep him occupied, so that the rest of us might have a somewhat enjoyable meal. Then comes the long awaited rice cereal mixed with some fruit or vegetable concoction-- he hasn't found a veggie he doesn't like (must get that from his brother). He also seems to enjoy strawberries and tofu (Grandma Sy would be so proud). Oh but how the thought of that last spoonful of food brings on a slight anxiety attack for me...the dirty baby looks and the growling, I can hardly take it.
I'd almost rather be peeling grapes (almost)!


Sarah said...

So funny. I can just hear his little growl as he stares you down for some more food. I guess after eating baby food, any real food - even grapes - probably taste so good he can't stand it. I don't think I've ever tried peeling a grape!

Gosfam said...

Ha Ha!! Babies and their manners. Grapes what a food to love!! Peeling grapes is definitely ridiculous. There has to be an easier way. Glad I haven't done that in a long time :)