Monday, September 8, 2008

The endless debate....

So, anyone with children (especially young kids) knows about the endless debate...who does baby most look like, mommy or daddy? When I was searching through old pics I found a couple baby pictures of Chip and I. I happen to think both the boys are a good mix of the both of us (though we will definitely give Caleb's big eyes and round head to chip's brother john (which I have been told many times comes straight from Gma Rosie). But, I beleive that if you photo-shopped mine and Chip's baby pics together you would end up with Drayson. So I have decided to let you all get a educated look and decide for yourselves. Please humor me by leaving your answer by clicking on the "poll" on the left side of the screen.


Sara & Chip


Sarah said...

I think he looks more like you, but with Chip's coloring. Does that make sense?

dixie said...

Hi, Jane and I were pilot training wives of these days I will post some of those picts for all you kids... anyway, came to your site via Jane... kids are adorable and Chip looks a lot like Larry ! I did not see grandma jane and grandpa Larry on the you live near them? Dixie Roberts