Friday, September 19, 2008

I Worked Out Today (kinda)!

OK, OK....I did not work out in the "went to the gym, ran on the treadmill, lifted free weights, had an energy drink" sort of way. Today Caleb, Drayson and I braved Costco after the bank and picking up our American's season tickets (mind you, doing anything more than 2 errands alone gets risky). This involved lifting both Caleb and Drayson's carrier (with Drayson) into those big a** carts! Of course I was getting 2 cases of water and I (being the smart cookie I am) decided to put those on the cart first so that I could make that cart even harder to push up and down the 8 billion isles filled with 10 billion people guessed it....SAMPLE DAY! When I was finally done (oh wait, a mother's work is never done)...I trekked the boys and all our goodies all the way out to the North 40 of the parking lot and popped the trunk. Woops, forgot to take out the double stroller and lawn chairs...barely squeeze all the "goods" in, lift drayson out, lift caleb out, strap both into car. Drive home, Caleb falls asleep, drayson wakes up and cries for 10 minutes. Get home, carry caleb into bed, carry drayson into house, unload perishable goods and put away. WOOH. So, yes, I did need a shower and an energy drink, but got neither! Though Drayson was hungry, so I got to sit down and feed him--which leads me to this hilarious email that I received today from Chip's sister Charlotte (ya know when things just seem to pop up at just the right time?) This was just what I needed after my "work out."

Students in an advanced biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question was 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk,' worth 70 points or none at all One student in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages. He wrote:

1. It is perfect formula for the child
2. It provides immunity against several diseases
3. It is always the right temperature
4. It is inexpensive
5. It bonds the child to mother and vice versa
6. It is always available as needed

and then the student was stuck. Finally in desperation, just before the bell indicating the end of the test rang, he wrote...


He got an A

All I have to say is HALLELUJAH!


Sarah said...

Ha, isn't that the truth? Trying to go shopping with your kids (especially Costco) is usually quite the adventure. Kudos to you for even trying!

Meghan said...

Hi Sarah! I am glad you found our blog! Your family is so stinkin cute! And you are an adorable mama! Congrats on the new baby! I feel for you on trying to do much while you are out... sometimes I get out and wonder what in the world I was thinking! That usually is the thought I have when I am at the mall looking around!! But I guess I would go crazy if I never left the house!

Meghan said...

p.s. I love the breast milk story!! Hilarious!