Monday, September 1, 2008

Uh! We had to labor on Labor day!

Last Wednesday we had Drayson's 2 month well-baby check. He is growing like a weed....already 12 pounds and 23 1/2 inches long (no wonder his 0-3 month clothes are fitting him like high waters). The doctor says he is doing great! We have been working really hard on solidifying his sleep schedule as this will be my last full week off before I start back to work. I will be back at the shop about 15 hours a week (not so bad) and my mom will have the kids again (she can't wait)!
Also in preparation I have been purging all of our extra junk. Not one of the closets was left untouched and no body's clothes were safe!!! I think in all, we (by this I mean Chip) took 14 bags of give away stuff to a local thrift store that supports Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery. After Chip returned he said jokingly..."I thought the nesting period was supposed to be're sure you are not pregnant again right?!" Oh, I hope not....not yet anyways!

Sunday we spent the afternoon and evening at Jane and Larry's. A couple of chip's aunts and uncles made the trip up and it was good to see everyone again. We also celebrated Caleb (4 yrs), Chip (28 yrs) and Jane's (don't worry...I won't tell!) birthdays a little bit early. Caleb got a big boy basketball hoop for outside from Gma and Gpa. So guess what we did ALL day today? Yep, we put that hoop together! Proving again that it is impossible for manufacturers to provide easy to follow directions! But it is done and Caleb LOVES it!

So now Chip is off to football practice and Caleb is thrilled because TLC is playing a 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' Labor day marathon.....wooppee! I am going to take this next week to relax and spend some quality time with the boys!

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