Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nothing to say...but have some pictures!

I've been waiting all week for some "blog worthy" event to pop into my head, but I've got nothing. Not that we haven't been doing anything, because we have, it just doesn't seem overly exciting. I do however have some cute pictures that I haven't posted I'm going to let you have them to tide you over.

*For the record, I would usually NEVER post a picture that was this close up to MY face...but the boys are adorable and it really did turn out cute. Our Caleb is really becoming quite the picture taker (and a poser for that should have seen him working it at our family photos).

Oh yeah, Caleb had his last swim lesson of the session on Tuesday and they got to use life jackets and ride around the pool in a blow up raft (very cool). Their swim teacher Josh was rocking the boat from the outside and yelling "I'm gonna tip you over" and Caleb yells "quick, jump overboard" and threw himself from the boat (with his life jacket on). The other two little boys quickly followed. He is fearless friends, and apparently holds a strong power of suggestion. Lord, help me when he gets older.

Oh yeah again. Our yard is in a state of disrepair (mostly the back). It was sadly neglected last summer after the birth of Drays. I don't know where to start. I need Desperate Landscape to help me. I want curbing, I want a pergola, I want a winding pathway, I want more trees and border landscaping. But this would take 2 things: lots of money & a landscaper for a husband...It's not looking too promising, folks.

Well, geez. I guess I did have something to say.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I hear ya on the yard work, ours gets pretty neglected until soccer season is over. Lucky for Riley I have tons and tons of projects to do this summer. :)