Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fish ON!

On Sunday Chip took Caleb on a "man" outing. And how much manlier does it get than fishing?. They went to the recently stocked Columbia Park Pond. And it did not disappoint. Several hours and a purple juice mustache later, Caleb hooked a 15" trout. After a little help from Daddy, that baby was theirs. And now it is in my refrigerator waiting to be cooked. Yippee for me. You should have seen how proud he was (I meant Caleb here...but Chip was pretty darn proud and excited too :) Please note his "fishing" vest. Yep, came up with that all on his own. Where does he get this stuff...it's not like we sit around watching the fishing network on TV or spend any time at all discussing anything fishing related. I'll say it again...strangely observant, this kid of ours.

After more than half the day I was getting worried that I would need to call in a missing person's report. But alas, they were not drowned in the kiddie pond...apparently the 10 year old boy next to Caleb had caught 2 fish, and our totally un-competitive child (please note sarcasm) did not want to leave until he had not just 2, but 3 fish! He was finally coerced into coming home with promises of more fishing and possibly golfing next weekend!

PS. Caleb thinks he is an amazing fisherman now. Really, no lack of self-confidence in this boy. Apparently besides playing pro hockey, he will also be joing the Pro Bass Fishing Tour...
I love this kid.


Gosfam said...

Quite the fisherman!! How cute is the vest--he knows style.

Mary said...

You must be so proud!!! BTW love the new blog heading!!! So cute!

Sarah said...

That looks like fun. I wish they had about three more of those fish ponds they kept stocked. I heard there were tons of kids fishing this weekend. Caleb and his fishing vest cracked me up, now all he needs are some fishing lures stuck in his hat!

Meghan said...

That is hilarious that he is so competitive! What a fun daddy-son outing!!