Monday, May 11, 2009

Good things do come from stalking...

So everyone knows I am a self proclaimed "blog stalker." Though someone once told me it's only stalking if you yourself do not have a blog. So maybe I should refer to myself as a "blog SURFER"....doesn't that just sound less creepy and well, illegal? So while I was killin some time the other day, I hopped on a blog through an ACTUAL (not a pretend) friend's blog. This gal is seriously hilarious and witty. So of course I had to scroll back several posts and found this post. Considering I don't even know the gal, I couldn't even do the polite thing and ASK if I could share it with you all (all 2 of my readers that is). I'm sure this probably breaks some sort of blog "etiquette," but I just thought it too sweet not to share. I think she conveys such an awesome and loving message. And the fact that I want my hubby to write me notes like that!

So I basically had this convo with Chip the other night.

me: "so I was reading a blog the other night and she had this idea about a white board to write notes to each other on...blah, blah, blah"

him: "whose blog?"

me: "um,...I don't really know her, she's Sarah's friend"

him: (rolls his eyes--still not sure if this was more about the white board or my blog stalking) "aww, do we have to?"

me: "Pleeaase."

him: "whatever"

me: "k, I'm gonna pick one up the next time I'm at Target"

Which leads to this....

(the best $5 bucks I've spent lately)

I laughed. He laughed when he saw it. He wrote me a note the next day. Because he will do anything to make me happy (even if he complains a bit about it). I'm still smiling over it. Can't wait to see what is written next!
I love this man.

We had tacos the other night. I was crisping shells.

He says: "oh that was so sweet of you to make mine with a smiley face on it!"

Yeah, hon...I've been working on that one for months ;)


Sarah said...

I loved that post of Karen's too, she is always cracking me up. Hope Chip leaves you lots of notes on your "silver" board. :)

Gosfam said...

Really cute idea, Matt would roll his eyes too.

Gosfam said...

I forgot too, that i am pretty sure I know the lady you "blog stalked" :) She looks so familiar. Weird.

Mary said...

It is so great you can admit your problem...I'm still in denial!!! Surf's up big kahuna!!!