Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just some more fun pictures!

Here are some pictures of the past week. Randoms that didn't make a specific post, but were too cute not to share. And there are a few from this past weekend when my sis and Baby Parker were in town.

Aunt Kass showing off her new pink birthday bike...she and Caleb are riding partners now.

Drays being his cute self while we waited for Lance Armstrong Inc. to return from their ride
There is just something about little guys in basketball shortsMommy and the love bug on a shopping excursion with Auntie Jamie & Nonni
Caleb remembering the good 'ol days when he used to get pushed...those were the days!
Drays pushing Parker around and hammin it up for the camera
This is the only pic of all 3 boys I got this weekend...I readily admit that it is a terrible pic, but I just had to post it anyways. Look how big Parker is getting. He & Drayson are almost the same size.
My mom got superhero jammies for the boys--Superman for Drays & Batman for Caleb. Drayson will now be known as SUPER DRAYS!
Nonni also purchased a new snorkle & flipper set for our fish, Caleb. This will forever crack me up. All I can think of is "SCUBA STEVE" from the Adam Sandler movie Big Daddy.

And to finish up this totally random post I have to share this funny story about the neighbor kids and why you never say anything in front of young children that you don't really mean. While I was at the computer, the 2 boys from across the street knocked on the door and asked if we had seen their cat. I told them no. Then they asked me to bring the cat back home if I did happen to see it. Sure. Then 2 minutes later the younger of the two shows back up and says with complete sincerity "don't send the cat home if you find him, Mommy says he broke off a bunch of stuff in her garden and she doesn't want him back anyways, she says he just needs to find a new home." Me (hiding a smile), "ok, in that case I definitely won't send him home." She is going to die when I tell her this story! :) This really makes me wonder what Caleb has told the neighbors lately...hmmm.


Parker's Mommy said...

Love it!!! Sometimes I have random pictures with nothing to say too...I don't think anyone minds just seeing the pictures (especially not Dad!). Glad that you got the pictures okay. We really need to get a good new picture of the 3 boys!

Julie said...

That is too funny! I will have to start watching what i say these days! I love you picture on top of your blog. Is the photography person the same as on you blog? I would love some awesome pics!