Sunday, May 17, 2009

May Journal Entry

Outside my window:
200+ ft of new concrete curbing, 2 new trees, several new bushes, a couple of new sprinklers. We have been hard at work here at House of Elfering.

I am thinking:
That I can't believe I was able to keep my trap shut once again about some BIG news. NO...not pregnant :) Yours truly was just named head Varsity girl's soccer coach at Richland High! I applied several weeks ago, then finally went through the interview process last week and found out a few days after that but wasn't able to officially spill the beans until late last week. I am thrilled to see what this new and exciting opportunity will bring our way (besides being super busy of course).

I am thankful for:
a husband who believes in me. supports me. builds me up. is proud of me.

From the kitchen:
Just opened a new can of formula and it got me thinking...only a couple more cans before Drayson is off the expensive stuff. Can you believe it?...he will be a year in just 5 short weeks.

I am wearing:
a sunburn on my back from the several hours we spent in the sun landscaping this weekend. Chip is sporting the matching burn.

I am going:
to be watching the new season of the Bachelorette staring Jillian that kicks off tomorrow night. You might remember THIS post about our unfailing love of the spunky gal from Canada, eh?!

I am hoping:
that my boy Kris Allen pulls out the upset win over Adam on Idol this week! Geez, by reading these last two prompts you'd think I was a reality TV junkie or something...oh wait, I might be :) Real Housewives, anyone?

I am hearing:
Chip watching a DVR'd episode of the Mentalist. and the humm of the air conditioner.

Around the house:
Lookin' pretty tidy here, friends.

I am creating:
I just did this super cute and super easy frame/message board as a wedding shower gift. They have the coolest stuff at Craft Warehouse right now. This literally took 10 minutes and a hot glue gun. Done.

One of my favorite things:
Scarves. They are my new favorite accessory. And inspired by the before mentioned Jillian. I know they are probably "so last season" but just like the whole popular music takes awhile for it to reach the Tri.

A picture thought I am sharing:

Yes, he blows a whistle, folks. I'm pretty sure this skill is not on any of those "by 12 months old your child should be doing...." lists. I can't imagine he could have picked this up from his big brother!

Plans for the upcoming month:

*finish getting the yard in shape. *preschool graduation. *end of school for Daddy


Gosfam said...

Congrats on the coaching position that is seriously AWESOME!! I hope Kris pulls off a win too. Drayson is talented, i am not sure when our girls mastered the whistle.

Mary said...

Congrats and best of luck to you!!!! You're gonna be a BUSY momma!!

Meghan said...

Sara Congrats on the coaching position! That is so awesome. I am pretty sure they don't just give that position away!! Great Job! I am sure you will do awesome!

Sarah said...

Congrats on getting the coaching job! That is so great. Sounds like you have been putting Chip to some good work now that soccer's over.

Parker's Mommy said...

Everyone else is commenting about your job...but I have known for a all I have to say is LOOK AT THE TAN ON YOUR CHILD! I can't tell you how much I wish Parks could get a tan like Drays. I can;t believe that he is going to be a year so quickly. Oh time flies.

Julie said...

Congrats on the job! Lexi's dr, Dr Dernbach was telling me that she wanted you for the job so I am so glad that you got it!!!

Lexi can blow a whistle now too and you better believe I put that thing away and fast!