Drayson and I finally returned home from Spokane late Tuesday night. It was so wonderful to be able to spend time with my sister and Mom right after Parker's birth! But as much as I enjoyed being there, I figured I had left my men to struggle long enough on their own. Caleb enjoyed every minute of his alone time with Daddy...going to football practice and even getting to be the ball boy at one of Chip's games. They even went to the grocery store together...where Chip turned to Caleb's expertise on what kind "mommy usually buys." They did pretty good. Mom stayed with Jamie and Trav to help them through this first week, so I have been juggling kidlets so that I can help Dad out at the shop, since we left him flying solo. Apparently, he is doing more than fine and is really getting into this "grandpa" thing...as you can see from the video clip and picture below.
LOOK what Papa bought Caleb...

Does he look ready or what? Every time we go to Joe's Sporting Goods, Caleb is always eyeing the little dirt bike out front...I have to practically drag him out to the car. Papa Kev-o's reasoning is that all 3 grandboys will eventually get their turn at it. How much fun is the cabin going to be this summer?!
In other Caleb news: last Wednesday Caleb made his first trip to the PENALTY BOX following a scuffle at hockey practice! HA. Of course he did! The only saving grace in this whole story is that at least he didn't start it...but lets just say he sure did finish it (nothing a good cross-check doesn't take care of)! So off the 2 of them went to the box...2 minutes for roughing. I wish I could have gotten a picture. You should have seen these 2 little guys sitting on their bums in the make-shift box. HILARIOUS! Funny thing is he sat there without a fuss and served the time for the crime! I'm gonna have to start calling the time-out mat the "box" at home and maybe he wouldn't pitch such a fit at me. We always knew that we would have to deal with some of this with such a strong willed boy...but I just didn't think it would start so soon. Your prayers for patience would be appreciated!!!! :)
Of course I can't leave out the little man...though I'm not sure we can call him little anymore. Aunt Jamie has dubbed him "butterball." And Caleb referred to him as "our big monster" the other day. The pics speak for themselves.

Isn't he just adorable?! He has found his tongue in the past couple days and keeps hanging it out of his mouth, trying to see how many different noises he can make. Though they can be a handful, I always find myself thinking how boring my life would be without them to entertain me!