- I am 1/4 Japanese (my mom's mom was full). I don't look it at all, but I LOVE Japanese food. And when I was really tiny I could understand common toddler type words in both Japanese and English (I admit I have forgot most of it).
- I am lactose intolerant. I found out in high school. It doesn't usually bother me...except for when someone has a Dairy Queen ice cream cake--I die! Even more random...Chip is also lactose intolerant!
- I only like bananas when they are slightly green and hard. Mushy bananas should only be used for banana bread.
- I've never been in a fist fight, but always wanted to know what it would feel like to punch someone for real. Chip says I'm not missing out...except maybe on bruised knuckles! (I can't beleive I am admitting this).
- I was once stuck in a snow storm on Snoqualomie Pass on the way back to college for 12+ hours. Worse...we had to shut off the car because we were afraid we would run out of gas. BRRR!
- I used to race 4-wheelers when I was like 8 years old...and I was actually pretty good. See Dad, you never needed a BOY!
- I am crazy obsessive about experation dates and even "best if used by" dates or even if I think something might be getting old. I WILL NOT EAT IT--period! My mom and Chip think I carry it a little too far! I say better safe than sorry.
I only have 3 people to tag (wow...I sound like loser) ha. So, I tag Jamie, Lyssa, and Addie. Humor me!
Thanks for being such a good sport!
I agree with you about the bananas. I will only eat them right after I buy them at the store. Good thing the kids don't feel the same way.
I can't believe you were stuck on the pass for 12 hours! That is just crazy and I bet a little bit scary at the time.
I don't think I've ever really tried Japanese food, maybe you could give me some recipes!
I am totally with you on the bananas! I won't eat them unless they are firm and have some green left on them! Tell Jamie I said Hi and congrats on the baby on the way! It is awesome to have a sister you are close with! I love it too!
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