Friday, October 10, 2008

Eat, Breathe, Play HOCKEY!

The long awaited day arrived Wednesday...Caleb started hockey!! I'm not sure who was more excited, Caleb or Chip!! This is pretty much all we talked about all week at our house. You should see how pumped up he is. And it really is hilarious and amazing all at the same time to watch these miniature people out on the ice. Caleb is one of the smallest ones out there, but we are pretty sure he has no idea, since he continues to take on the "big guys." He seems to be holding his own though!

Check out this clip...Caleb is in the white jersey with the white helmet with his back to us.

He worked so hard out there. Caleb was all sweaty under his helmet. After dinner and a bath, this is what happened:

Drayson was such a trooper, considering the TRAC rink is the coldest place on earth! Here he is staying warm.

Next week a few Tri-City American hockey players are coming out to help with practice. And Caleb's team will get to play during intermission at one of the upcoming American's games!


Parker's Mommy said... nephews are getting so big now! I can't wait until we are actually living in the same place again! I can't wait to see you soon sis!!! (AND BABY PARKER OF COURSE)

Love you bunches!

Lyssa said...

Oh my gosh Sar, they are so stinkin cute. Caleb is such a big boy and skates so well and yet he looks so tiny out there! Not to mention his footy-pajamas are adorable. I hope you guys are having a good weekend!!

Sarah said...

That was such a cute clip of Caleb skating around. He looks like he had quite the workout judging by the passed out, feet up picture. How fun for him!