Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Drayson Update

The little man is almost 4 1/2 months old. Which makes me terribly sad and happy all at the same time. You MOMS know what I mean! He had his well -baby check this morning. Here are the stats: 24 3/4 in., 14lbs 12oz. That lands him in the 50% for both height and weight. Doc says he looks great! Howled like a banshee after his shots, then passed out and slept for 2 + hours while I aimlessly roamed Target! Though I used a few coupons which always makes me feel better about the shopping/roaming extravaganza that is Target.
We have started adding a couple tablespoons of rice cereal to his bottle before bed at night (which I know, I know they are saying 6 months now, but he started waking up in the middle of the night and smacking his lips). And I am so not going back to middle of the night feedings...he hasn't had one of those in like 8 weeks...he is like the poster child for sleep (i'm probably jinxing myself right at this moment). So we have been actually getting a normal amount of sleep. Silly me, I thought that was supposed to make you more sane instead of insane...let me explain: I stopped by the OB (that would be Dr of guy who checks & removes baby--for you baby-less types) office to pay a bill yesterday and found myself SAD that I was not pregnant and started to feel this strange sensation...yes, I am afraid to admit that it felt like that baby itch. Now I know I didn't feel that itch until Caleb was passed his 2nd birthday at least. I think the fact that Drayson has been such a good baby/sleeper and the lack of the episiotomy this time around has made me lose my mind in this department. I came home and did the math and realize that this would put my children just 13 or 14 months apart...and I do not want that, no, no! I think I should probably borrow Parker from my sister ASAP--that would surely snap me back to reality, wouldn't it? We always said that after 2 babies we would "play it by ear" I guess the answer is YES, the Elfering family will eventually be going for baby #3...but not anytime soon!!
Does anyone know--do they have a cream for this particular itch?!


Parker's Mommy said...

You, love, are crazy! Anytime you need a newborn, middle of the night screaming session you just let me know. I'll bring Parker right on down!!! I am sure that it would snap you out of the baby-haze! I wish you were coming this weekend...but I totally understand the need to get things back on track. I am still trying!

Meghan said...

I totally get the itch all the time. I always get feeling ready and then whenever I try to convince my husband that we need to go for #3... the twins are rotten for about 2 weeks after I say I am ready!!So the twins are almost 21 months...(which defintely makes me Sad that they are so big... but happy because they are hilarious) and I want another one but am super scared to get twins again!! So... we are just playing it by ear too!